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Issue Details: First known date: 1962... 1962 Shock Stories
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Horwitz , 1962 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Dead Man's Heart, James Workman , single work short story horror (p. 9-35)
The Castaway, James Workman , single work short story horror (p. 36-44)
Possession, James Workman , single work short story (p. 45-64)
Spindrift, James Workman , single work short story horror (p. 65-67)
Trade-In Bodies, James Workman , single work short story science fiction (p. 68-87)
The Spell, James Workman , single work short story horror (p. 88-99)
The Fungus and the Flower, James Workman , single work short story science fiction (p. 100-130)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Sydney, New South Wales,: Horwitz , 1962 .
      Extent: 130p.
      Reprinted: 1965
      Series: Pocket Books [First Series] PB; MN Horwitz (publisher), 1959 series - publisher novel The first nine books in this series were given the prefix 'MN' ('Miscellaneous Novels'), with the prefix 'PB' ('Pocket Books') used for the remainder of the series. (Flanagan, The Australian Vintage Paperback Guide, 1994, p. 24) Number in series: 119

Works about this Work

The Australian Horror Novel Since 1950 James Doig , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Sold by the Millions : Australia's Bestsellers 2012; (p. 112-127)
According to James Doig the horror genre 'was overlooked by the popular circulating libraries in Australia.' In this chapter he observes that this 'marginalization of horror reflects both the trepidation felt by the conservative library system towards 'penny dreadfuls,' and the fact that horror had limited popular appeal with the British (and Australian) reading public.' Doig concludes that there is 'no Australian author of horror novels with the same commercial cachet' as authors of fantasy or science fiction. He proposes that if Australian horror fiction wants to compete successfully 'in the long-term it needs to develop a flourishing and vibrant small press contingent prepared to nurture new talent' like the USA and UK small presses.' (Editor's foreword xii)
The Australian Horror Novel Since 1950 James Doig , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Sold by the Millions : Australia's Bestsellers 2012; (p. 112-127)
According to James Doig the horror genre 'was overlooked by the popular circulating libraries in Australia.' In this chapter he observes that this 'marginalization of horror reflects both the trepidation felt by the conservative library system towards 'penny dreadfuls,' and the fact that horror had limited popular appeal with the British (and Australian) reading public.' Doig concludes that there is 'no Australian author of horror novels with the same commercial cachet' as authors of fantasy or science fiction. He proposes that if Australian horror fiction wants to compete successfully 'in the long-term it needs to develop a flourishing and vibrant small press contingent prepared to nurture new talent' like the USA and UK small presses.' (Editor's foreword xii)
Last amended 23 Jun 2008 11:08:44
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