Children's television anthology drama series in which each episode presents a complete story. As with fellow Australian Children's Television Foundation anthology program Winners, each episode was a separate production, with its own writer, director, cast, and crew.
The story of the discovery of an ancient Roman boat in a small Queensland town and the commitment of three children to uncovering its mystery and resolving its fate.
1988The story of a Greek family living in suburbia. The two children win an unexpected prize that disrupts their lives, teaching them that it's not always easy when you get something for nothing.
According to Patricia Edgar, she and writer-director Paul Cox did not see eye-to-eye on the production:
He had spent twenty hours reshaping The Gift, following my viewing of his edit of the film. I found the film unstructured and lacking in the narrative core that most children need to understand a film. This had been a problem throughout the entire production of The Gift. Touch the Sun's distributor, Revcom, was very unhappy too, as it was worried about sales. I had introduced Jeff Peck to Paul Cox to give help with the script, but every time Jeff added to the script, Paul took his revisions out. By the time Paul shot the film, he did what he had wanted in the first place. When I saw the film in its final form I insisted on changes and Paul was incensed.
Source: Patricia Edgar, Bloodbath: A Memoir of Australian Television, Melbourne: Melbourne UP, 2006, p.192.
On her fourteenth birthday, Kate feels that her life is perfect, until she discovers that she is adopted. Kate becomes obsessed with discovering the identity of her real parents. She eventually meets her mother and her half-siblings; the latter know nothing of Kate's existence. In her quest, however, Kate has been oblivious to her adoptive parents' feelings. Their concerns make her realise how important they are to her.
(Source: LibrariesAustralia)
1988The story of two children who run away from home, getting into difficulties that help them sort out their personal problems.
(Source: LibrariesAustralia)