y separately published work icon The Age newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... 8 December 2007 of The Age est. 1854 The Age
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Water's Fine at Byron - but Don't Use the 'S' Word, Robert Drewe , single work column (p. 3) Section: A2
At 86 Not Out, a Century Nears for an Aussie Icon, Ray Cassin , single work column
Ray Cassin talks with Jason Chatfield about the need to keep twelve-year-old Ginger Meggs fresh for modern readers and the challenges posed by having the comic strip tranlslated across languages and cultures.
(p. 3)
Rich Content, Poor Return: Australian Films Struggle at Box Office in '07, Philippa Hawker , Daniel Ziffer , single work column (p. 7)
Rich Literary Prizes May Lack Cultural Clout, Jason Steger , single work column (p. 13)
Short Story of Love, Loss and Life in Space, Jason Steger , single work column (p. 13)
Note: port. (Stephen McGrath)
Melbourne's City of Literature Bid Nears Climax, Jason Steger , single work column
Jason Steger comments on the closing stages of Melbourne's bid to become a UNESCO City of Literature.
(p. 13)
Life's My Beach, Gabriella Coslovich , single work prose (p. 14-15) Section: A2
Battle for a New World Order, Ray Cassin , single work column (p. 17) Section: A2
Note: port. (Henry Rosenbloom)
The Future's Looking Festive, Penelope Debelle , single work column (p. 20) Section: A2
A Fishing Trip That Yields an Impressive Catch, Thuy On , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Stories 2007 2007 anthology short story extract autobiography ;
(p. 24) Section: A2
Learning To Grin and Bear It, Rod Myer , single work review
— Review of Vizard Uncut : The Full Story Steven Bedwell , 2007 single work biography ; Funny Business Leonie Wood , 2007 single work biography ;
(p. 24) Section: A2
Searching for the Holly Grail, Charlotte Wood , Christos Tsiolkas , M. J. Hyland , Matthew Reilly , Helen Garner , Emily Maguire , Peter Carey , Luke Davies , Les Murray , Gregory Day , Shane Maloney , Alexis Wright , Jeff Sparrow , Chris Wallace-Crabbe , Steven Carroll , Peter Temple , Geraldine Brooks , Michelle De Kretser , Matthew Condon , Jennifer Maiden , single work column
The Age asked a group of Australian and overseas writers to choose their favourite books of 2007. The names of the Australian respondents only are listed on this record.
(p. 27-29) Section: A2
Note: ports
Off the Shelf : Humour, Dianne Dempsey , single work review
— Review of Observations of a Very Short Man : An Amateur's Guide to Life Nigel Marsh , 2007 single work autobiography ;
(p. 30) Section: A2
Savage and Scarlet, the Female Touch, Jane Sullivan , single work column (p. 30) Section: A2
The Election, Write Down to the Line, Jason Steger , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including a wrap up of publications addressing developments in Australian politics in 2007 including the federal election.
(p. 31) Section: A2