Alternative title: The Northern Territory Times
Date: 1930-1932
Date: 1917-1930 Note: [Article, 'To the Public of the NT' (p.6 12 11 1921), is signed 'J. A. Porter, Editor'. jst 30 04 2012]
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Issue Details: First known date: 1873; Latest issue indexed: 1932 1873 Northern Territory Times and Gazette
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y separately published work icon Northern Territory Times 28 June 1932 Z1746875 1932 newspaper issue
y separately published work icon Northern Territory Times 24 June 1932 Z1746870 1932 newspaper issue
y separately published work icon Northern Territory Times 10 June 1932 Z1746866 1932 newspaper issue
y separately published work icon Northern Territory Times 3 June 1932 Z1746859 1932 newspaper issue
y separately published work icon Northern Territory Times 22 April 1932 Z1746740 1932 newspaper issue

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1873

Works about this Work

Ourselves : Our Final Issue Edward Foster , 1932 single work column
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 28 June 1932; (p. 2)
Foster informs readers of the cessation of the publication of the Northern Territory Times and briefly outlines its history.
[Untitled] 1930 single work review
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 30 September 1930; (p. 1)

— Review of Far-North Memories : Being the Account of Ten Years Spent on the Diamond-Drills, and of Things that Happened in Those Days J. S. Litchfield , 1930 single work autobiography
Early Darwin History 1929 single work column
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 14 June 1929; (p. 11)
Prompted by an impending visit from the Hon. Minister for the Territory, the editor compiles a brief history of the Northern Territory Times, and its first editor, Richard Wells.
Autobiography i "Dear Times, we have both labored boldly", Harbinger , 1921 single work poetry
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times and Gazette , 17 September 1921; (p. 8)
[Untitled] i "Our row is long, our row is hard,", 1920 single work poetry
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times and Gazette , 23 September 1920; (p. 4)
Topical Song Sung by Mr. Buckland i "Children, children follow me,", Buckland , 1883 single work poetry
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times and Gazette , 7 April 1883; (p. 2)
Early Darwin History 1929 single work column
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 14 June 1929; (p. 11)
Prompted by an impending visit from the Hon. Minister for the Territory, the editor compiles a brief history of the Northern Territory Times, and its first editor, Richard Wells.
[Untitled] 1930 single work review
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 30 September 1930; (p. 1)

— Review of Far-North Memories : Being the Account of Ten Years Spent on the Diamond-Drills, and of Things that Happened in Those Days J. S. Litchfield , 1930 single work autobiography
Ourselves : Our Final Issue Edward Foster , 1932 single work column
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times , 28 June 1932; (p. 2)
Foster informs readers of the cessation of the publication of the Northern Territory Times and briefly outlines its history.
An Open Letter : To All Whom it Might Concern Charles Kirkland , 1917 single work column
— Appears in: Northern Territory Times and Gazette , 27 September 1917; (p. 14)
C. J. Kirkland, editor and owner of the Northern Territory Times and Gazette, announces that he is relinquishing his positions having sold his interests to a small local syndicate. Kirkland reflects upon his time spent at the newspaper and the changes he has witnessed over those years, and discusses his reasons for selling.

PeriodicalNewspaper Details

ISSN: 1834-0911
Semi-weekly, frequency varies
7 November 1873 - 28 June 1932
Incorporates the North Australian in 1890
Title changed to The Northern Territory Times in 1890

Has serialised

A Visitor's Impressions of the Katherine, single work column travel external link to resource external link to resource external link to resource
An account of a brief visit to the Katherine area during which time the traveller admired local industry, enjoyed meeting local identities, and visited picturesque local spots.
Extracts from the Diary of the Hon. T. Playford, T. Playford , single work diary travel
A personal account by the Hon. Thomas Playford, then Premier of South Australia, of his travels through India to study agricultural methods used by Hindoo (sic) farmers.
Notes on a Visit to Wyndham, Western Australia, George Mayhew , single work prose travel external link to resource
Mayhew describes a trip by sea from Darwin, N. T., to Wyndham, W. A.
Smoke Signals from the Never-Never, 'William Hatfield' , single work prose
An entertaining account of Hatfield's adventures on a motor tour in the Never-Never and other remote areas.
Dora Dunbar : An Australian Story, Mona , single work novella external link to resource
Three sisters at the mercy of a tyrannical father are thrown into despair when he disapproves of the eldest's secret betrothal.
Last amended 15 Oct 2013 09:55:57
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