y separately published work icon A Bunch of Dreams anthology   poetry   prose   autobiography   short story  
Alternative title: Racimos de sueños
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... 1992 A Bunch of Dreams
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* Contents derived from the Carramar, Fairfield area, Sydney Southwest, Sydney, New South Wales,:Fairfield Community Arts Network , 1992 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Juliet and Romeo, Maria Bielli , Marisa Cano (translator), single work short story (p. 6-9)
Marisai"I look at you and see=Te miro y contemplo tu frágil figura,", Teresa Espasadin , Marisa Cano (translator), single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Sundays, Mabel Fernandez , Marisa Cano (translator), single work autobiography (p. 12-15)
My Flagi"Oh, my flag! From here I look at you,=¡Oh, mi bandera querida!", Tita Garcia , Marisa Cano (translator), single work poetry (p. 16-19)
September, Mónica Gómez , Marisa Cano (translator), single work short story (p. 20-24)
Getting to Know Our Sisters, Alicia Lopez , Marisa Cano (translator), single work prose (p. 25-28)
Human Inclemencyi"Woman, your face and your anxiety=Mujer, tu rostro y angustia", Liliana Marambio , Marisa Cano (translator), single work poetry (p. 29-30)
Sensing, Sonia Mora , Marisa Cano (translator), single work prose (p. 31-34)
The First Time I Stepped on Australian Ground..., Maria Moretti , Marisa Cano (translator), single work autobiography (p. 35-38)
I'm Asking Myself Todayi"Why, why is it that I am sad?=¿Por qué estoy triste?", Helia Muñoz , Marisa Cano (translator) single work poetry (p. 39-40)
My Girli"Today arrived my girl=Hoy ha llegado mi niña,", Helia Muñoz , Marisa Cano (translator) single work poetry (p. 41-42)
Departure and Arrival, Susana Suarez , Marisa Cano (translator), single work autobiography (p. 43-46)
The Two Lives of Marcela, Marcela Waterkeyn , Marisa Cano (translator), single work autobiography (p. 47-56)
Sharingi"Come, hold my hand,=Ven cógeme la mano", Ruth Watson , Marisa Cano (translator), single work poetry (p. 57)
Motheri"Look mother, I'm a little older today,=Mira madre, hoy estoy mas crecida,", Ruth Watson , Marisa Cano (translator), single work poetry (p. 58-59)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Language: English , Spanish

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