y separately published work icon New Song in an Old Land anthology   poetry  
Is part of Jindyworobak Publications series - publisher
Issue Details: First known date: 1943... 1943 New Song in an Old Land
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Longmans, Green , 1943 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Old Adventurei"'Tween the Golf and Leeuwin, aeon-old and sere", E. J. Brady , single work poetry (p. 3-4)
The Guard of the Northern Strait : A Song of Queenslandi"Bold Torres, the sailor, came and went,", Ernest Favenc , single work poetry (p. 4-5)
Note: Here titled 'Song of the Torres Straits Islands' (no apostrophe)
Untitledi"Cook was a captain of the Admiralty", Kenneth Slessor , single work poetry (p. 5-7)
Note: With title: 'From Five Visions of Captain Cook'
April 28th, 1770i"I stood as my father before me,", William Hart-Smith , single work poetry (p. 7-8)
Australiai"Last sea-thing dredged by sailor Time from Space,", Bernard O'Dowd , single work poetry (p. 8)
Macquarie Harbouri"MACQUARIE Harbour jailers lock", Rex Ingamells , single work poetry (p. 8-9)
The Men of Eureka (A Recollection)i"They have gone out, the men of Eureka,", Mary Gilmore , single work poetry (p. 9-10)
Wariapendi : A Dirgei"Land of the Churingas", Mary Gilmore , single work poetry (p. 10)
Phantomi"Where our familiar voices sound, where the sun", Gina Ballantyne , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
Have Angeri"Wail for them, wail for the lost totems,", Ian Mudie , single work poetry (p. 12)
A Funeral Song of the Euahlayi Tribei"She has gone from us : never as she was will she return", K. Langloh Parker , single work poetry (p. 13)
Droughti"The great breath shudders,", Mary Finnin , single work poetry (p. 13-14)
The Song of Wawinai"I did not cry at all", James Devaney , single work poetry (p. 14)
Dirrawan's Death Song for Bamba Aboriginal Death Song Bambai"A! Where this night fares Bamba, Bamba the boy-hearted?", James Devaney , single work poetry (p. 15-16)
Dirrawan, the Song-Makeri"Dirrawan went into the bush to spear waat,", James Devaney , single work poetry (p. 16)
Lands of the Godsi"DUSTS whirl up and giddy by,", Rex Ingamells , single work poetry (p. 16-17)
A Far Northern Cradle Song North Queensland Lullabyi"Sleep, my birrahlee; hush, my soft grey dove!", Lucille M. Quinlan , single work poetry (p. 18)
Sunrise in Victoria The Australian Sunrisei"The Morning Star paled slowly, the Cross hung low to the sea,", James Lister Cuthbertson , single work poetry (p. 18-19)
A Bush Picturei"The sheep that straggle on the well-worn track", Paula Fitzgerald , single work poetry (p. 19)
Waratahi"How many dawns and sunsets came", Rickety Kate , single work poetry (p. 19)