Laughing at the Holocaust single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 2006 Laughing at the Holocaust
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Emerge : New Australian Writing Phillip Edmonds (editor), Dominique Wilson (editor), Adelaide : Wet Ink , 2006 Z1339867 2006 anthology short story poetry

    'In Emerge, we emphasise that those we have published are writers rather than students. These writers display a level of competence and promise that has broader potential than the best work produced in a hothouse environment. The 'quality' varies in terms of experience and intention, but every contribution has something to recommend it. ' (Publication summary)

    Adelaide : Wet Ink , 2006
    pg. 9-14
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Known Unknowns Emmett Stinson , Mulgrave : Affirm Press , 2010 Z1697387 2010 selected work short story 'Emmett Stinson is an American who moved to Australia in 2004 - and it was only with distance from his homeland that he could write Known Unknowns, his debut collection. Set largely in Washington DC immediately after September 11, these are engrossing stories that tap into the zeitgeist of disconnection, isolation and the loss of meaningful identity after these world-changing events.' (From the publisher's website.) Mulgrave : Affirm Press , 2010 pg. 143-151
  • Washington DC,
    United States of America (USA),
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