y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: The Poetics of Space
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... vol. 65 no. 3 2005 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Windowsi"In open circle pass is mustered,", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 9-11)
Treatise on Rooms and Windows, John Kinsella , single work autobiography (p. 12-31)
Journeys West of 'War' : 'South'?i"Travel", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 32-44)
Monkey Fried Rice, Pan Zijie , single work short story (p. 45-51)
Get Out of the House, Go for a Bushwalk: Disciplining the Flaneur, John Bennett , single work essay (p. 54-68)
Note: Includes bibliography.
Fittingi"My mother is kneeling with good scissors", Louise Oxley , single work poetry (p. 69)
Horsetailsi"Backed into the hillside in the corner paddock,", Louise Oxley , single work poetry (p. 70-71)
Stone Notes, David Brooks , single work prose (p. 72-80)
The Bore Stream, Tom Coverdale , single work short story (p. 81-92)
Piano Bari"for them? "for nobody" (as Lindsay would say), because", Esther Ottaway , single work poetry (p. 93)
Bedroomi"She loved the bed of one hand into the", Esther Ottaway , single work poetry (p. 93)
Herei"In a bare room where light pours in from the ocean", Esther Ottaway , single work poetry (p. 94)
From : Amo Te Soloi"You whispered in my ear. You wanted me", Kevin Hart , extract poetry (p. 95-96)
Note for a Poemi"Those notes one writes for poems later", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 97)
Poetics of Trauma: Wilderness, Mental Asylums and the Order of Australian Space, Uli Krahn , single work essay (p. 98-113)
Note: Includes bibliography.
The Village Idioti"Theo Tzamaris is 35, he has the common", Nicholas Grapsias , single work poetry (p. 114)
Burning Branchesi"He's burning branches down the back", Marcelle Freiman , single work poetry (p. 115)
For Gwen at Two Weeksi"As I lean over you", Craig Powell , single work poetry (p. 116)
Early in a Marriagei"The sound of a wheel moving in deep water,", Craig Powell , single work poetry (p. 117)
In Naxosi"White sun, white stone, the monastery", Craig Powell , single work poetry (p. 118)