y separately published work icon Agenda periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... vol. 41 no. 1-2 Spring/Summer 2005 of Agenda est. 1959- Agenda
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Australian Line, David Brooks , single work criticism
In seeking an 'Australian line' through the history of Australian poetry, Brooks conclusion is that '[A]ny but the most open would be implausible. An Australian line than cannot at one and the same time accommodate the city and the bush, the masculine and the feminine, the settler and the indigenous, the old arrivals and the new, the present and the absent, the self-confident and the self-effacing, the anxious and the non, the generous and the minimalist ... will not stand much scrutiny. ... One thing I might hazard, almost for certain, is that anyone who does think they have found an answer will find themselves, not long after, frustrated that Australians themselves are ignoring it.
(p. 11-21)
Note: Author's note: The University of Sydney, 2002/3.
Surviving Australian Poetry : The New Lyricism, David McCooey , single work criticism (p. 22-36)
Note: Includes bibliography.
Towards Reconciliation: Inspiration and Leadership - Oodgeroo of the Tribe Noonuccal (1920-1993) and Judith Wright (1915-2000), Katherine Gallagher , single work criticism (p. 37-48)
Horse Sensei"Durer, so serious, all his", Connie Barber , single work poetry (p. 49)
Chromingi"in shadows of the bridge", Tony Birch , single work poetry (p. 49-50)
Hygiene for a Nation's Souli"at the water's edge", Tony Birch , single work poetry (p. 50)
The Shatter Roomsi"A raindrop, then another: there is", Judith Bishop , single work poetry (p. 50-51)
The Vowi"What I said ran ahead of me, white and dissipating,", Judith Bishop , single work poetry (p. 52)
Reading Borges, Late at Night and Imagining Buenos Airesi"No one dreams the river as it is.", Peter Boyle , single work poetry (p. 52-57)
Henry's Farm on Yorke Peninsulai"With a vertebrae of roads righteously straight", Mary Bradley , single work poetry (p. 57-)
Untitled, Michael Brennan , extract poetry (p. 58)
Angelsi"How difficult", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 58-59)
Languagei"We talk all night", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 59)
Waiti"During the night the orb-", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 60)
A Time of Strangersi"...so it was, anyway, that we entered a time of strangers. It was", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 60-62)
The Deadi"At night they come down the middle of the road", Kevin Brophy , single work poetry (p. 63)
Still Lifei"a wall clock ticks", Pamela Brown , single work poetry (p. 63-64)
Translations from Nowherei"I cannot read my heart", Alison Croggon , single work poetry (p. 64-67)
The Last Lawi"Break the last law he said", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 67-68)
'The Laws By Which the Irises Rise'i"These are those which open the fan of light.", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 69)