Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... 2005 Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Westerly vol. 50 November 2005 Z1224556 2005 periodical issue 2005 pg. 87-88
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Over There : Poems from Singapore and Australia John Kinsella (editor), Alvin Pang (editor), Singapore : Ethos Books , 2008 Z1452759 2008 anthology poetry 'Curated by two of the foremost literary figures of their generation, the ground-breaking Singapore-Australia anthology of poetry brings together for the first time the contemporary work of the finest poets at work in Singapore and Australia today. The anthology will feature a fresh selection of established as well as previously unreleased work from writers such as Edwin Thumboo and Cyril Wong from Singapore, and Dorothy Porter and Kevin Hart from Australia. Over 20 writers from each territory will be featured, representing the diverse and interesting voices currently at play in both territories, and creating an ongoing discourse between the exciting literary cultures of the two Pacific neighbours. The anthology ranges across many themes: from an ever-shifting sense of cultural, urban and personal identity to place, politics, sex, religion and more, with clear resonances and connections bridging the two territories. The book will be made available in both territories, marking the first time that a major Singaporean literary anthology is released to the wider Australian market.' [Source: Publisher's press release at http://www.ethosbooks.com.sg/store/images/new_titles/OverThere_PressRelease.pdf] Singapore : Ethos Books , 2008 pg. 168-169
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Contemporary Asian Australian Poets Michelle Cahill (editor), Kim Cheng Boey (editor), Adam Aitken (editor), Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2013 6169988 2013 anthology poetry (taught in 3 units)

    This ground-breaking anthology collects poems written by Australian poets who are migrants, their children, and refugees of Asian heritage, spanning work that covers over three decades of writing. Inclusive of hitherto marginalised voices, these poems explore the hyphenated and variegated ways of being Asian Australian, and demonstrate how the different origins and traditions transplanted from Asia have generated new and different ways of being Australian. This anthology highlights the complexity of Asian Australian interactions between cultures and languages, and is a landmark in a rich, diversely-textured and evolving story. Timely and proactive this anthology fills existing cultural gaps in poetic expressions of home, travel, diaspora, identity, myth, empire and language. [from Trove]

    Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2013
    pg. 151-152
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry John Kinsella (editor), Tracy Ryan (editor), North Fremantle : Fremantle Press , 2017 8848074 2017 anthology poetry

    'The Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry is a comprehensive survey of the state’s poets from the 19th century to today.

    'Featuring work from 128 poets, and accompanied by biographical notes and an introductory essay by editors John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan, this watershed anthology brings together the poems that have contributed to and defined the way that Western Australians see themselves.' (Publication summary)

    North Fremantle : Fremantle Press , 2017
  • c
    Southeast Asia, South and East Asia, Asia,
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