y separately published work icon Southern Write periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... September 2005 of Southern Write est. 1997 Southern Write
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* Contents derived from the 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Poetry to the Rescue, Louise Nicholas , single work criticism (p. 3)
Books Alive : an affront to Australian authors, Jeremy Fisher , single work correspondence
Dr Fisher, as Executive Director of the Australian Society of Authors, criticises the 'Books Alive' campaign for the number of non-Australian books included and for the fact that they promote books which have already proved themselves best-sellers.
(p. 4)
In Response, Ben Strout , single work correspondence
Responding to Jeremy Fisher's letter in the same issue, Strout defends the Books Alive campaign as heeding the recommendations of writers as well as publishers and booksellers, and standing by the Australia Council's record of support for Australian writing.
(p. 4)
With Magic in my Eyes, Rosanne Hawke , single work correspondence (p. 5)
Markets - Mentors - Motivation, Diane Beer , single work column
Writing groups sometimes need to put passion back into writing. A success story from the writing goup Writing Right.
(p. 11)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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