The Shark single work   poetry   "We heard the creaking clutch of the crank"
  • Author:agent Judith Beveridge
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... 2004 The Shark
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All Publication Details

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Heat And So Forth no. 8 (New Series) 2004 Z1158270 2004 periodical issue 2004 pg. 163
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Best Australian Poems 2005 Les Murray (editor), Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2005 Z1204931 2005 anthology poetry Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2005 pg. 6
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Best Australian Poetry 2005 Peter Porter (editor), St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2005 Z1219041 2005 anthology poetry (taught in 1 units) St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2005 pg. 3-4
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Over There : Poems from Singapore and Australia John Kinsella (editor), Alvin Pang (editor), Singapore : Ethos Books , 2008 Z1452759 2008 anthology poetry 'Curated by two of the foremost literary figures of their generation, the ground-breaking Singapore-Australia anthology of poetry brings together for the first time the contemporary work of the finest poets at work in Singapore and Australia today. The anthology will feature a fresh selection of established as well as previously unreleased work from writers such as Edwin Thumboo and Cyril Wong from Singapore, and Dorothy Porter and Kevin Hart from Australia. Over 20 writers from each territory will be featured, representing the diverse and interesting voices currently at play in both territories, and creating an ongoing discourse between the exciting literary cultures of the two Pacific neighbours. The anthology ranges across many themes: from an ever-shifting sense of cultural, urban and personal identity to place, politics, sex, religion and more, with clear resonances and connections bridging the two territories. The book will be made available in both territories, marking the first time that a major Singaporean literary anthology is released to the wider Australian market.' [Source: Publisher's press release at] Singapore : Ethos Books , 2008 pg. 21
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry John Kinsella (editor), Camberwell : Penguin , 2009 Z1553543 2009 anthology poetry (taught in 16 units)

    'This is a comprehensive survey of Australian poetic achievement, ranging from early colonial and indigenous verse to contemporary work, from the major poets to those who deserve to be better recognised.' (Provided by the publisher).

    Camberwell : Penguin , 2009
    pg. 349-350
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Storm and Honey Judith Beveridge , Artarmon : Giramondo Publishing , 2009 Z1641736 2009 selected work poetry Artarmon : Giramondo Publishing , 2009 pg. 15
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Mascara Literary Review no. 7 May 2010 Z1689881 2010 periodical issue 2010
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Hook and Eye : A Selection of Poems Judith Beveridge , New York (City) : George Braziller , 2014 8769465 2014 selected work poetry

    'The third in Braziller's Series of Australian Poets, Judith Beveridge engages the world in ways that open up larger perspectives and deeper understandings. As the critic Clive James notes, Beveridge s work displays unfailing dignity of movement and quiet splendour. Whether in relation to the natural world around us or to our inner world of intellect and emotion, Beveridge s poems call us to account, exalting our capacity for knowledge and insisting upon the pleasures and responsibilities of attentiveness."' (Publication summary)

    New York (City) : George Braziller , 2014
    pg. 59
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Contemporary Australian Poetry Martin Langford (editor), Judith Beveridge (editor), Judy Johnson (editor), David Musgrave (editor), Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2016 10524271 2016 anthology poetry

    'The quality of Australian poetry has never been higher, nor the number of distinctive voices greater. A landmark publication, this collection presents the astonishing achievements of Australian poetry during the last quarter of a century. Over ten years in preparation, gathering over 200 poets and 500 poems, it makes the case for this country's poetry as a broadening of the universal set for all English-speakers. 'Somewhat astonishingly,' the introduction notes, 'and while no-one was looking, Australian poetry has developed a momentum and a critical mass such that it has become one more luminous field in the English-speaking imagination. Increasingly, anyone who seeks to explore the perspectives or music available in English will also have to consider the perspectives and music which have originated here - Australia having turned itself, too, into a place in the mind.' Both survey and critical review, this anthology offers a rare opportunity to explore the major national achievement of contemporary Australian poetry. (Publication summary)'

    Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2016