y separately published work icon Island periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 98 Spring 2004 of Island est. 1990- Island
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Stepping Off the Soapbox: An Argument for Effective Dissent in the 'New' Tasmania, Cameron Hindrum , single work correspondence (p. 8-11)
Interview Feature: Christopher Koch, Danielle Wood (interviewer), single work interview (p. 12-25)
Untitled, Christopher Koch , extract novel (p. 18-21)
Untitled, Christopher Koch , extract novel (p. 21-22)
Untitled, Christopher Koch , extract novel (p. 23-25)
Interview Feature: Tim Thorne, Andrew Peek (interviewer), single work interview (p. 26-44)
Vanzettii"The charge that smashed your nerve cells apart", Tim Thorne , single work poetry (p. 39-40)
XIXi"Across the playground the cadets", Tim Thorne , single work poetry (p. 41-42)
Writing the Worldi"Metaphor's glib: the poem as...", Tim Thorne , single work poetry (p. 43-44)
Oyster Bay, Nicholas Shakespeare , extract prose (p. 46-55)
Nonfiction, Pamela Allen , single work review
— Review of Cities of the Hot Zone Greg Sheridan , 2003 single work prose ; The Legal Labyrinth : The Kisch Case and Other Reflections Nicholas Hasluck , 2003 single work non-fiction ;
(p. 56-60)
Poetry Survey, Oliver Dennis , single work review
— Review of The Man and the Map Alex Skovron , 2003 selected work poetry ; The Sleep of a Learning Man Anthony Lawrence , 2003 selected work poetry ; Wolf Notes Judith Beveridge , 2003 selected work poetry ;
(p. 61-66)
Fiction, Julie Marlow , single work review
— Review of The Philosopher's Doll Amanda Lohrey , 2004 single work novel ;
(p. 67-69)
Poetry, Andrea Breen , single work review
— Review of Imageless World Michael Brennan , 2003 selected work poetry ; Museum of Space Peter Boyle , 2004 selected work poetry ; Winter Grace Jeff Guess , 2004 selected work poetry ; Nomadic Judy Johnson , 2004 selected work poetry ; Shadows at the Gate Robyn Rowland , 2004 selected work poetry ;
(p. 70-74)
First Burni"All day she has pitched dry grass, Hardyesque", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry (p. 76)
Monitori"Your exhalations spread around the house -", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry (p. 77)
Forgive Me.i"Forgive me.", Graham Rowlands , single work poetry (p. 78-79)
Machineryi"enough impressing the air with preface,", Lawrence Bourke , single work poetry (p. 80)
The Sentencei"For some years now", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 81-82)
Meetingsi"Our mother Nature is a church whose mortal", Oliver Dennis , single work poetry (p. 83)