y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Alternative title: Australasian
Note: Guest consultant editors.
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... vol. 63 no. 2 2004 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Land of Freei"Welcome you to land of free!", D. J. Huppatz , single work poetry (p. 3)
Golf Weari"Wes, we have wear! No hidden faces!", D. J. Huppatz , single work poetry (p. 3)
Zones of the Imagination, Peter Steele , single work essay (p. 4-11)
Far North, Louis Nowra , single work short story (p. 12-21)
Reality Dreams: The Flighti"She and I were waiting", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 22)
Uncle Joe, Tony Ayres , single work autobiography
Film-maker Tony Ayres recalls some episodes from his childhood after emigrating from Hong Kong to Western Australia in the 1960s
(p. 23-34)
My Mother-In-Law in the Family Tree, Paddy O'Reilly , single work short story humour (p. 35-41)
The Stained Glass Ceiling, Jan Ryan , single work review
— Review of Chinese Women and the Global Village : An Australian Site Jan Ryan , 2003 single work prose ;
(p. 46-51)
Where Are You Brother Mine?i"A few years ago we were still together", Mena Reis , Javant Biarujia (translator), single work poetry (p. 52-53)
Black Septemberi"Dili - an ocean of fire", Abe Barreto Soares , Javant Biarujia (translator), single work poetry (p. 53)
Silent Witnessi"Papa's shirt smeared in blood", Abe Barreto Soares , Javant Biarujia (translator), single work poetry (p. 53)
Cartsi"Carts like mortuary wagons", Hugo Fernandes , Javant Biarujia (translator), single work poetry (p. 54-55)
Mad in India, Sophie Cunningham , single work autobiography
Sophie Cunningham explains her obsession with India and why she wants to return.
(p. 56-63)
Vietnamese Bitei"in your mouth you roll and taste", Jane Gibian , single work poetry (p. 64)
War of the Worlds, Adrian Carton , single work essay
During an international flight, Adrian Carton reflects on the notion of 'global consciousness' which he experiences while travelling through air space, where passengers are away from physical borders, boundaries and fences. He then examines the question of national identity especially concerning the winner of Australian Idol, Guy Sebastian.
(p. 80-84)
The Exorcist, N. Cho , single work short story humour horror fantasy
The narrator's Auntie Wei starts acting strangely when she dons a novelty apron that has built-in plastic breasts. At first the narrator thinks the behaviour results from drunkenness, but it soon becomes clear that the breast apron has caused Auntie Wei to be possessed by a demon.
(p. 85-87)
Japanese Stories, Brian McFarlane , single work criticism (p. 88-95)
Searching for Wordsi"Our bedsheets never really needed washing before. Could have", Miriam Wei Wei Lo , single work poetry (p. 96)
The Beauty and the Menace, Barry Scott (interviewer), single work interview
Barry Scott talks to Michelle De Kretser about Sri Lanka and the writing of fiction.
(p. 97-107)
The Reception is Over, Helene Chung , single work correspondence travel
Melbourne-based journalist Helen Chung Martin, on assignment in Peking during the early 1980s, describes her experiences through letters home at the time.
(p. 108-118)