Issue Details: First known date: 2002... vol. 6 no. 1 April 2002 of TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs est. 1997 TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs
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* Contents derived from the , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Creative Writing as Research and the Dilemma of Accreditation: How Do We Prove the Value of What We Do?, Jeri Kroll , single work column
The Preface as Exegesis, Nigel Krauth , single work criticism
Examines the role of exegesis (in the form of Prefaces, Introductions or Forewords) as 'a framing device positioned between the world created in the fiction (or play or poem) and the world the reader inhabits' with particular reference to the works of Vladimir Nabokov and Edgar Allan Poe and, to a lesser extent, the writing of Graham Greene and Roland Bartes.
Creative Writing for Foreign Learners of English: Some Opening Arguments, Christopher Kelen , single work criticism
Triple Hats: Writing, Teaching Writing and Teaching Writing Teachers, Antoni Jach , single work column
The Prose Poem: A Short History, a Brief Reflection and a Dose of the Real Thing, Kevin Brophy , single work criticism
Kevin Brophy discusses the history of the prose poem and gives some examples of his own prose poetry reflecting on the theme of why he became a poet.
Being Honest About Lying: Defining the Limits of Auto/Biographical Writing, Donna Lee Brien , single work criticism
Books: 'Against My Ruins', Catherine Padmore , single work essay
Catherine Padmore looks at the frailty of text in the 'lost' works of Sibyl of Cumae, the subject of research for her PhD project, and the new electronic medium and concludes that "...the gaps in the [Sibyl] texts show how much has been lost over time. On the other hand, the existence of these literary ruins, circulating thousands of years after they were originally written down, proves the tenacity of the word, even on frail media".
Paralipsis: Drugs, Money, Sex, Inez Baranay , single work prose
Paris Studio: Contemporary Writing by Fourteen Australian Authors, Patrick West , single work review
— Review of Paris Studio : Contemporary Writing by Fourteen Australian Authors Who Lived, for a While, in Paris 2001 anthology poetry prose short story column essay diary ;
The Artist is a Thief, Paul Dawson , single work review
— Review of The Artist Is a Thief Stephen Gray , 2001 single work novel ;