y separately published work icon LiNQ periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Literature in North Queensland
Issue Details: First known date: 2002... vol. 29 no. 2 October 2002 of LiNQ est. 1969 LiNQ
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* Contents derived from the , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Risky Business: Writing the Personal, Heather Wearne , single work criticism
In describing the writing of a biography about her mother, Audrey Wearne, Heather Wearne writes of her endeavour to 'inscribe the lives of ordinary domesticated women into texts of cultural significance.'
(p. 11-18)
Literali"the child before speech", Wendy Morgan , single work poetry (p. 25)
Betweeni"after the storm", Wendy Morgan , single work poetry (p. 26)
Softi"we didn't expect", Joanne Burns , single work poetry (p. 27)
The Smiling Girl, Dove Rengger-Thorpe , single work prose (p. 28-30)
Extract from Instrumental II (After Hugh Tolhurst's 'Horse Lyrics')i"I measure the landscape", Luke Beesley , single work poetry (p. 31)
My Compliment is Not a Tulipi"-What type of truck?", Luke Beesley , single work poetry (p. 32)
Ars Verborumi"Words should jar against", Peter Le Messurier , single work poetry (p. 33)
Luminous Daze in Paris, Dorothy Jensen , single work review
— Review of Paris Studio : Contemporary Writing by Fourteen Australian Authors Who Lived, for a While, in Paris 2001 anthology poetry prose short story column essay diary ;
(p. 34-37)
Taut and Visionary: The Poetry of Geoff Page and Les Murray, Jim Tulip , single work review
— Review of Darker and Lighter Geoff Page , 2001 selected work poetry ; Australian Literary Studies vol. 20 no. 2 October 2001 periodical issue ;
(p. 38-40)
Reflectionsi"how many monoliths make Uluru", Miriel Lenore , single work poetry (p. 41)
To Australiai"Eleni", Nicholas Grapsias , single work poetry (p. 42)
Sto Everedii"All day, Eleni hardly looks up", Nicholas Grapsias , single work poetry (p. 43)
Sometimes in a Cane-Fieldi"All day, Yianni hacks the cane with a machete,", Nicholas Grapsias , single work poetry (p. 44)
The Colonisersi"the English learnt their colonising on us", Miriel Lenore , single work poetry (p. 45)
Virtually Yours, Wendy Perry , single work prose (p. 46-49)
The Preface as Exegesis, Nigel Krauth , single work criticism
Examines the role of exegesis (in the form of Prefaces, Introductions or Forewords) as 'a framing device positioned between the world created in the fiction (or play or poem) and the world the reader inhabits' with particular reference to the works of Vladimir Nabokov and Edgar Allan Poe and, to a lesser extent, the writing of Graham Greene and Roland Bartes.
(p. 50-66)
Boxersi"We both step into the thickly twined ring,", Claudette Bass , single work poetry (p. 67)
Other Womeni"Other women do this all the time.", Claudette Bass , single work poetry (p. 68-69)
Goldilocksi"I felt bad. Couldn't bear it. I died my hair blond.", Jan Owen , single work poetry (p. 72)