"Our first edition rolled off the gestetners in February 1971. At that stage, Stephen Measday, 20, and Larry Buttrose, 18, were the only editors. Our third and current editor, Donna Maegraith, then 17, refused to join for Dharma 1" because of the poor quality of the submissions. The title change to Real Poetry was in order to "take a stand against being identified with the Ananda Marga". Editorial, Dharma 15, p.2
Some issues also have an individual title.
FREQUENCY: Originally monthly, but with Issue no. 3 became, according to the editor 'seasonal.'
"Produced by the Dharma Poetry Society." Dharma 15, p. 30.
The final issue includes (p.3) a list of contributing poets and artists and their addresses (state or country) at publication.