Issue Details: First known date: 2002... 2002 Where the Dead Men Lie : The Story of Barcroft Boake, Bush Poet of the Monaro : 1866-1892
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* Contents derived from the Charnwood, Belconnen area, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Ginninderra Press , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Where the Dead Men Liei"Out on the wastes of the Never Never-", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry
A poem about the many man - settlers - who perished in the Australian outback, with allusions to the landscape itself as a possible cause of these deaths. 
(p. 189-190)
Jim's Whipi"Yes! there it hangs upon the wall", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 191-192)
On the Boundaryi"I love the ancient boundary-fence,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 192-193)
Jack's Last Muster, Diamantina River, Western Queenslandi"The first flush of grey light, the herald of daylight", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 193-196)
'Twixt the Wings of the Yardi"Hear the loud swell of it, mighty pell-mell of it,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 197-198)
At the "J.C." (West Queensland)i"None ever knew his name,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 199-200)
Kitty McCraei"The western sun, ere he sought his lair,", Surcingle , single work poetry (p. 201-204)
The Demon Snow Shoes : A Legend of Kiandrai"The snow lies deep on hill and dale,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 205-208)
How Babs Malone Cut Down the Fieldi"Now the squatters and the "cockies",", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 208-212)
On the Rangei"On Nungar the mists of the morning hung low,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 212-215)
How Polly Paid for Her Keepi"Do I know Polly Brown? Do I know her? Why, damme,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 216-219)
A Memoryi"Adown the grass-grown paths we strayed,", Surcingle , single work poetry (p. 220-221)
Josephus Rileyi"The rum was rich and rare:", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry humour (p. 222-224)
Jimmy Wood : A Bar-Room Balladi"There came a lonely Briton to the town,", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 224-226)
The Day When a Fellow Gets a Job Our Visitori"There's a fellow on the station", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 226-227)
To a Hatpegi"There's a nice little hatpeg that hangs on the wall", Barcroft Boake , single work poetry (p. 228-229)