'In this sequel to Snugglepot and Cuddepie, the three friends – Little Ragged Blossom, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie go on a new adventure together to see new countries. When Ragged Blossom and Snugglepot are captured by the Banksia Men, they are thrown into the sea and go on to meet many new friends (and enemies) in the undersea world including Ann Chovy, Frilly, the baby Little Obelia and John Dory. Snugglepot is saved and reunited with Cuddlepie on dry land (Ragged Blossom stays in the sea to care for Little Obelia), they are joined by Mr Lizard who helps them escape the clutches of the Bad Banksia Men once more and throws the evil creatures into the sea.' (Source: author's website)
Sequel to Snugglepot and Cuddlepie : Their Adventures Wonderful.