y separately published work icon Hecate periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Hecate : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... vol. 26 no. 1 2000 of Hecate est. 1975 Hecate
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* Contents derived from the , 2000 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Body of Evidence : Aileen Palmer's Textual Lives, Sally Newman , single work criticism
Examines Aileen Palmer's (unpublished) diaries and private papers in an attempt to offer a reading of her multiple life stories, and a reading of the role "as lesbian historian examining the nature of 'evidence' in the recovery of lesbian lives" (11).
(p. 11-38)
1982, Ashlley Morgan-Shae , single work short story (p. 39-44)
Skin Deep, Suzanne Barmos , single work short story (p. 45-49)
The Surrogatesi"There is a picture of Karl Marx", Tessa Theocharous , single work poetry (p. 50)
Sea Changei"My mouth tastes salt. In blood", Elizabeth Stephens , single work poetry (p. 51)
In Her Wakei"She steams ahead of us,", Sheridan Linnell , single work poetry (p. 52)
Fields o' Europei"now the bloody fields o' europe", Uli Krahn , single work poetry (p. 53-54)
To Whom It May Concerni"She is good with people", Lissa Mitchell , single work poetry (p. 54)
Companyi"standing with my ticket in the queue", Sarah Attfield , single work poetry (p. 55-56)
She Assembles Herself, in the Blind Light of Morning, Lisa Greenaway , single work short story (p. 74-75)
Mirror Mirrori"He's gone again, one per decade", Andrea Sherwood , single work poetry (p. 76)
Mother/Daughteri"Now the house is where I wake", Andrea Sherwood , single work poetry (p. 76)
Three Sistersi"In the Burning Times I dragged you on your knees,", Andrea Sherwood , single work poetry (p. 77)
The Gift - On Learning How to Be a Girli"For her sixth birthday, she'd asked for a tommy-gun", K. D. Murray , single work poetry (p. 78)
Shoalhaven Headsi"september rain eats away at winter", Anna Nicholson , single work poetry (p. 78-79)
This Is not a Throw Away Linei"This is a poem for all women who hate ironing", Pat Darby , single work poetry (p. 80)
My Girl Nataliei"She crosses her", Caroline Bilney , single work poetry (p. 81)
There Won't Be a Revolutioni"these oldish ladies", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 81)
Red Belly Black, Mary Anne Baartz , single work short story (p. 91-93)
Secrets of a Fat Lady, N. Cho , single work short story (p. 94-96)