• Author:agent Les Murray http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/murray-les
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 Ein ganz gewohnlicher Regenbogen : Gedichte
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* Contents derived from the Munich,
Western Europe, Europe,
Western Europe, Europe,
Carl Hanser , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Holzfaller am Mittag "Axtschlag, Echo und Schweigen. Mittagsschweigen." Noonday Axemani"Axe-fall, echo and silence. Noonday silence.", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 7-9)
Durch Sagewerkdorfer fahrend "Im hohen, kuhlen Land" Driving Through Sawmill Townsi"In the high cool country,", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 10-12)
Ein ganz gewohnlicher Regenbogen "Das Wort macht die Runde im Repin." An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbowi"The word goes round Repins, the murmur goes round Lorenzinis,", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 13-14)
Arbeiter "Das Telegramm wurde plötzlich schlaff," Working Meni"Seeing the telegram go limp", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 15)
Die Namen der Demutigen "Nach dem Frühstück klettere ich" The Names of the Humblei"Fence beyond fence from breakfast", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 16-18)
Bo-opis "Ich komme aus Betrachtungen heraus" Boopisi"Coming out of reflections", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 19-20)
"Einmal reitest du auf dem Weltenpferd" Jozsefi"You ride on the world-horse once", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 21-23)
"Was gibt's in unserer Stadt zu sehen?" Folklorei"What are the sights of our town?", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry humour (p. 24)
Uber die Bodenrechte der Ureinwohner nachdenkend besuche ich die Farm, die ich nicht erben werde "Während ich von der Scheune aus das Saatlicht und die fast nur abschüssigen" Thinking About Aboriginal Land Rights, I Visit the Farm I Will Not Inheriti"Watching from the barn the seedlight and nearly-all-down", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 25)
Kuss der Peitsche "In Cardiff, bei Saint Mary's Street," Kiss of the Whipi"In Cardiff, off Saint Mary's Street", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 26-27)
Die Saubohnenpredigt "Bohnenstengel sind in jeder Brise eine lasche Kirchenparade" The Broad Bean Sermoni"Beanstalks, in any breeze, are a slack church parade", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 28-29)
Lachlan Macquaries erste Sprache "Der Gouverneur und die Seherin sprechen nachts in einem Zimmer" Lachlan Macquarie's First Languagei"The Governor and the seer are talking at night in a room", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 30)
Die Mitchells "Ich sehe folgendes: zwei Männer sitzen auf einem Mast," Dedication, Written Last : For the Vernacular Republici"I am seeing this: two men are sitting on a pole", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 31)
Die Starkstromleitungs-Inkarnation "Als ich lief, um die Drähte von unserem Dach wegzureissen," The Powerline Incarnationi"When I ran to snatch the wires off our roof", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 32-33)
Anstellung fur die Kasten in der Schwebe "Ich war Übersetzer am Institut:" Employment for the Castes in Abeyancei"I was a translator at the Institute:", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 34-35)
Der Buladelah-Taree Ferien-Liederzyklus "Die Leute essen zu Mittag in der Gegend nördlich von Legge's Lake;" The Buladelah-Taree Holiday Song Cyclei"The people are eating dinner in that country north of Legge's Lake;", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 36-47)
Der Eukalyptuswald "Nach dem letzten lückenhaften Draht an einem Pfosten," The Gum Foresti"After the last gapped wire on a post,", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 48-49)
Die Zukunft "Es gibt nichts über sie. Viel Science-fiction spielt dort," The Futurei"There is nothing about it. Much science fiction is set there", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 50-51)
Immigrantenreise "Meine Frau kam auf der Goya her" Immigrant Voyagei"My wife came out on the Goya", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 52-56)
Die Fischer am South Head "Sie sind so weit es geht auf dem Bug des Kontinents hinausgegangen," The Fishermen at South Headi"They have walked out as far as they can go on the prow of the continent,", Les Murray , Margitt Lehbert (translator) single work poetry (p. 57-58)