Issue Details: First known date: 2000... no. 2 2000 of Overland Express est. 1999 Overland Express : An Online Journal of Australian Writing
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* Contents derived from the , 2000 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Death of a Cati"The little cat we brought from Darlinghurst", Dorothy Hewett , single work poetry
Note: Has text and audio versions of the poem (reader: Dorothy Hewett)
The Park above the Schooli"Under the lit splinter, the proverbial lamp", Alex Skovron , single work poetry
Prayer for the Millenniumi"Parrots skim the conjectured suburb", Mark Reid , single work poetry
Pidgini"fly buys. smack.", Kevin Gillam , single work poetry
Frozen Kissesi"News of the city.", Olga Pavlinova Olenich , single work poetry
Untitledi"The nightingales have stopped singing, too", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry
Wei"Show some respect", Stuart Kolavic , single work poetry
A Chair in the Shower, Neil Boyack , single work short story
The Robbery, John Kinsella , single work short story
Hat on a Platform, Ryan Scott , single work short story
The Separation, Christine Paice , single work short story
Starfish, Jennifer Wawrzinek , single work short story
Accounting for the Silences, David Sornig , single work short story
Extension, Stuart Kolavic , single work poetry
Foresti"Termites, and other", Stuart Kolavic , single work poetry
Accounting for the Silences, David Sornig , single work short story