Alternative title: New Books for Boys and Girls
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... vol. 41 no. 2 May 1997 of Reading Time est. 1956 Reading Time : The Journal of the Children's Book Council of Australia
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* Contents derived from the , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The CBC Judges - Are They the Last Dragons?, Allan Baillie , single work column (p. 2)
The Children's Book of the Year Awrds 1997 Short List, single work column (p. 3)
Love, Ghosts and Nose Hair, Steven Herrick , single work column (p. 3-4)
I Love You Jason Delaney, Diana Kidd , single work column (p. 4)
DragonQuest, Wayne Harris , single work column (p. 5)
DragonQuest, Allan Baillie , single work column (p. 5)
Untitled, Janeen Brian , single work column (p. 6)
On Corrupting the Youth - A Reply to Jill Ireland, Val Van Putten , single work criticism
Val van Putten counters Jill Ireland's criticism of some of the books written for older readers shortlisted in the Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards.
(p. 7-9)
A Look at Black Sails White Sails by Ursula Dubosarsky, Sophie Masson , single work criticism (p. 9-10)
Sally Morgan and Bronwyn Bancroft, single work column (p. 12)
Children's Literature : Establishing a Place, Sue Clancy , single work column
Includes discussion of the Australasian Children's Literature Association for Research Conference (1st : 1997 : University of South Australia)
(p. 13)
Glenise Meldrum, Duncan Ball , single work obituary (p. 13)
An Illustrated Life: A Profile of Gregory Rogers, Sue Page , single work column (p. 14-16)
Interview with David Legge, Sue Clancy , single work column (p. 16)
Era Publications Celebrates 25 Years, Val Van Putten , single work column (p. 17-18)
Information Book or Fiction?, Eleanor Stodart , single work column (p. 19)
Untitled, single work review
— Review of Waddle Giggle Gargle Pamela Allen , 1996 single work picture book ;
(p. 20) Section: Picture Books
Untitled, Barbara Dobson , single work review
— Review of Ordinary Albert Nancy Antle , 1997 single work picture book ;
(p. 20) Section: Picture Books
Untitled, Margaret Adamson , single work review
— Review of Little Koala Finds a Friend Margaret Roc , 1997 single work picture book ;
(p. 20) Section: Picture Books
Untitled, Sophie Masson , single work review
— Review of A Strange and Powerful Magic Judith Crabtree , 1996 single work picture book ;
(p. 21) Section: Picture Books