y separately published work icon Australische Erzähler : Eine Anthologie anthology   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1961... 1961 Australische Erzähler : Eine Anthologie
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* Contents derived from the Walter , 1961 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Der Zauberer Beereeun : Eine Eingeborenen-Legende Beereeun the Mirage-Maker, K. Langloh Parker , single work prose Indigenous story (p. 7-14)
Der Juwelierladen The Jeweller's Shop, Joseph Furphy , single work short story (p. 14-22)
Der Reisebegleiter des Pfarrers How the Reverend Joseph Simmondsen Lost His Character, Jack Fruit , single work short story humour (p. 22-27)
Die Stahlstange des John Price John Price's Bar of Steel, 'Price Warung' , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story historical fiction (p. 27-36)
Stummelhand Scrammy 'And, Barbara Baynton , single work short story (p. 36-56)
Die Beerdigungen des Malachi Mooney The Funerals of Malachi Mooney, Edward Dyson , single work short story humour (p. 56-63)
Wenn der Hut umgeht Send Round the Hat, Henry Lawson , single work short story humour (p. 63-80)
Vierzehn Faden tief vor Quetta Rock Fourteen Fathoms by Quetta Rock, Randolph Bedford , Klaus Schultz (translator) single work short story (p. 80-91)
Die Nacht, in der wir die Känguruhs verscheuchten The Night We Watched for Wallabies, 'Steele Rudd' , single work short story humour (p. 92-95)
Kates Hochzeit Kate's Wedding, 'Steele Rudd' , single work short story (p. 95-101)
Die Witwe Dare The Widow Dare, William Hughston , single work short story (p. 101-114)
Der Champion-Ochsentreiber The Champion Bullock-Driver, Lance Skuthorp , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story humour
The ghosts of sixteen dead bullock drivers rise from the grave when they recognise the skill of a champion bullock driver.
(p. 115-117)
Und Frauen muessen weinen 'And Women Must Weep', Henry Handel Richardson , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 117-124)
Abenteuer Adventure : A Fantasy of the Ranges, Hugh McCrae , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 124-125)
Kraehen Crows, Dowell O'Reilly , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 126-129)
Die Hand The Hand, M. L. Skinner , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 129-135)
Der Hummer und die Löwin The Lobster and the Lioness, Kodak , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story humour
Thomson, clutching his lobster, is being escorted home from the pub by the friendly policeman, Murphy, when they encounter an escaped circus lion. Murphy bolts, but Thomson, mistaking the lion for a large dog, is unpeturbed. The lioness follows Thomson back to his boarding house and mayhem ensues.
(p. 135-145)
Ungluecks-Jo Hoodoo Jo, Bernard Cronin , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 145-152)
Das Rubinenbett A Bed of Rubies, H. E. Riemann , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 152-163)
Das graue Pferd The Grey Horse, Katharine Susannah Prichard , Elisabeth Schnack (translator) single work short story (p. 163-174)