Issue Details: First known date: 2001... vol. 9 no. 2 Winter 2001 of Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults est. 1993 Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults
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* Contents derived from the , 2001 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
More to Judging Teen Books Than Searching for Angst and Bleakness, Archimede Fusillo , single work column (p. 3-4) Section: Opinion
Girl Power in Contemporary Australian Fiction for Young Readers, Amiria Ai-mee Chan , single work column (p. 5-6) Section: Opinion
Boys, Birds and Blood: an Interview with Justin D'Ath, Pam Harvey , single work column (p. 11) Section: On Writing
Escaping Paradise by Warren Flynn, Libby Corson , single work criticism (p. 16) Section: Feature
Another View, William Taylor , single work criticism (p. 17) Section: Feature
Lirael by Garth Nix, Lucy Sussex , single work criticism (p. 18) Section: Feature
Dreamwalker by Isobelle Carmody & Steven Woolman, Daria Sigma , single work criticism (p. 19) Section: Feature
Market Blues by Kirsty Murray, Chris Wheat , single work criticism (p. 22) Section: Feature
Fear Drive my Feet by Peter Ryan, Christopher Thompson , single work criticism (p. 24-25) Section: Feature
Raving Reporter, Ruth Starke , single work criticism (p. 26-27) Section: Feature
Blood Ties by Rosemary Hayes, Kevin Steinberger , single work criticism (p. 28) Section: Feature
John Marsden Presents..., Stella Lees , single work criticism (p. 30-33) Section: From the Past
Reading Magic by Mem Fox, Merle Iles , single work criticism (p. 34-35) Section: Professional Reading
[Review] Lumi's War : In the Kingdom of the Seventh Pool, Jane Ponting , single work review
— Review of Lumi's War: in the Kingdom of the Seventh Pool Kirsty Anderson , 2000 single work novel ;
(p. 37) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Emily Meldrum , single work review
— Review of Our Lady of Apollo Bay Janine Burke , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 37) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Rosemary Worssam , single work review
— Review of The Witch in the Lake Anna Fienberg , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 39) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Kerry Bennetto , single work review
— Review of Dolphins Dance Jutta Goetze , 2000 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 39-40) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Raymond Huber , single work review
— Review of Last Wave Paul Hayden , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 40) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Jane Ponting , single work review
— Review of Cybercage Simon Higgins , 2000 single work novel ;
(p. 40) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Tracy Crisp , single work review
— Review of The Crowded Beach Laurene Kelly , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 41-42) Section: Booknotes