y separately published work icon Meanjin Quarterly periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1964... vol. 23 no. 4 December 1964 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin Quarterly
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* Contents derived from the , 1964 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Recent Poetry, Peter Steele , single work review
— Review of In Light and Darkness Chris Wallace-Crabbe , 1963 selected work poetry ; The Living Sky : A Selection of Poems Alexander Craig , 1964 selected work poetry ; The Ghost of the Cock : Poems Francis Webb , 1964 selected work poetry radio play ; Shadow and Flowers Wendy Scarfe , 1964 selected work poetry ; Masque for a Modern Minstrel : A Reading of Poems Peter Bladen , 1962 selected work poetry ; Australian Poetry 1963 1963 anthology poetry ; I Hate and I Love : Poems John Thompson , 1964 selected work poetry ; Captain Quiros : A Poem James McAuley , 1964 single work poetry ;
(p. 339-441)
Gavin Casey : The View from Kalgoorlie, John Barnes , single work criticism (p. 341-347)
A Handshake for Ion Idriess, Gavin Casey , single work criticism biography (p. 348-352)
Decemberi"I came at random", Chris Wallace-Crabbe , single work poetry (p. 352)
Proceedings of an Historical Societyi"History loses day by day", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 367)
Beach Poem 1964i"Last week the cyclone; I walk on a beach pared down", Thomas Shapcott , single work poetry (p. 368)
For a New Yeari"The new year came with rain and sudden thunder,", Vivian Smith , single work poetry (p. 369)
The Stories of Patrick White, Jack Lindsay , single work criticism (p. 372-376)
Kiss of Deathi"What I fear from you", Bruce Dawe , single work poetry (p. 376)
Revenge, John H. Powers , single work short story (p. 377-385)
Banjo Paterson : A Poet Nearly Anonymous, Harry Payne Heseltine , single work criticism biography
Heseltine assesses the value of Paterson's poetry, taking its consistent metre, rhythm and pastoral themes into account. Drawing on Ransom's discussion of the "greatness" of Milton's Lycidas, Heseltine stresses the need for an audience that comprehends the literary conventions being employed in a work. This accounts for the form of the Paterson's poems because he knew what his audience wanted: simple, consistent metres and rhythms with an "arcadian" background. Heseltine concludes that this arcadian view, combined with Paterson's technical prowess and immense popularity demands closer attention to bring readers closer to an understanding of Australian culture.
(p. 386-402)
Young Paterson and Young Lawson, Gavin Long , single work criticism (p. 403-413)
To a Georgian Poet Found Pining in a Tropical Library (for E.B.)i"In wormed boards entombed, you Georgianise", Michael Thorpe , single work poetry (p. 427)
Australian Ballads, A. A. Phillips , single work review
— Review of The Penguin Book of Australian Ballads 1964 anthology poetry ;
(p. 428-429)
Australian Cultural Pattern, Clement Semmler , single work review
— Review of The Pattern of Australian Culture 1963 anthology prose ;
(p. 430-435)
Autobiographical, Jack Lindsay , single work review
— Review of Disturbing Element Xavier Herbert , 1963 single work autobiography ; Blizzard and Fire : A Year at Mawson, Antarctica John Bechervaise , 1963 single work autobiography ; The Watcher on the Cast-Iron Balcony : An Australian Autobiography Hal Porter , 1963 single work autobiography ; Child of the Hurricane : An Autobiography Katharine Susannah Prichard , 1963 single work autobiography ;
(p. 443-445)
Ferguson's Bibliography, Phyllis Mander-Jones , single work review
— Review of Bibliography of Australia: Volume V : 1851-1900 A-G 1977 single work bibliography ;
(p. 447, 449)
Impressions of Rumania, C. B. Christesen , single work autobiography travel (p. 450-453)