NLA image of person
Gavin Casey Gavin Casey i(A16667 works by) (a.k.a. Gavin Stodart Casey; Gavin S. Casey)
Born: Established: 10 Apr 1907 Kalgoorlie, Goldfields area, Southeast Western Australia, Western Australia, ; Died: Ceased: 25 Jun 1964 Hollywood, Inner Perth, Perth, Western Australia,
Gender: Male
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Gavin Casey was educated at the Western Australian School of Mines in Kalgoorlie. During the Great Depression of the 1930s he worked as a miner and underground electrician. It was also then that he started his career as a journalist, reporting on Kalgoorlie news. After the Second World War, he became the Director of the Australian News and Information Bureau in New York. On his return to Australia, he worked for the ANIB in Sydney, Canberra and Perth.

In addition to publishing seven novels, Casey was a prodigious writer of short stories. His short fiction which appeared in a number of journals, most particularly the Bulletin, was also published in two selected works, It's Harder for Girls and Other Stories (1942) and Birds of a Feather (1943). In addition to writing fiction, Casey co-authored (with Ted Mayman, q.v.) an informal history of Kalgoorlie, The Mile That Midas Touched (1964), and in 1956 wrote the script for Bones of Building; a safety film that was commissioned by the Building Workers Industrial Union. He also published novels, including Downhill is Easier (1946) and City of Men (1950).

Casey was the foundation secretary of the WA Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers. Biographical cuttings/material and manuscripts are held by the NLA (MS2622) and the JS Battye Library (MN295).

Most Referenced Works


  • Casey had a story published in issue 1 of After Dark, but it has not been sighted.

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Amid the Plenty : A Novel of Today Sydney : Australasian Book Society , 1962 Z269687 1962 single work novel

“This is the story of a man's hard times, but it is not a tale of gloom. There is a strength and a spirit in the Mayhew family that carries them through their troubles, and there are good friends who stand by them. There is even comedy in the history of their difficult years, when the bodgie gang makes a spectacularly unsuccessful raid on a shop and on other occasions.

But the book is, in its essence, about the loneliness of a man thrown out of the work in an Australian city by the "too old at forty" faith that has invaded industry. In an outwardly prosperous community he seems to himself to be the only man for whom there is no place.”

1962 entry Miles Franklin Literary Award Prior to official shortlists, notable entries were discussed in newspapers. (Source:
y separately published work icon It's Harder for Girls and Other Stories Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1942 Z824564 1942 selected work short story
1942 winner S.H. Prior Memorial Prize
Mail-Run East 1938 single work short story
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 16 March vol. 59 no. 3031 1938; (p. 4-5,7) It's Harder for Girls and Other Stories 1942; (p. 155-170)
1938 winner The Bulletin Short Story Competition
Last amended 17 Sep 2010 15:37:28
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