In this essay, Gabeba explores 'the meanings of the words through etymology of the notorious word 'kaffir' and the analysis of two literary texts: Mr Chameleon (2005) by Tatamkhulu Afrika; and Castaway (1999) by Yvette Christianse. Mr Chameleon and Castaway are both autobiographical works that allude to the place of Islam in colonial and apartheid South Africa.' (p. 69)
In this essay, Gabeba explores 'the meanings of the words through etymology of the notorious word 'kaffir' and the analysis of two literary texts: Mr Chameleon (2005) by Tatamkhulu Afrika; and Castaway (1999) by Yvette Christianse. Mr Chameleon and Castaway are both autobiographical works that allude to the place of Islam in colonial and apartheid South Africa.' (p. 69)