y separately published work icon Australian Literary Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: ALS
Issue Details: First known date: 1987... vol. 13 no. 2 October 1987 of Australian Literary Studies est. 1963 Australian Literary Studies
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* Contents derived from the 1987 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Getting Started : The Emergence of Christina Stead's Early Fiction, Anita Kristina Segerberg , single work criticism (p. 121-138)
Christina Stead's "Drama of the Person", Denise Brown , single work criticism
Examines the use of dramatic methods and techniques in Stead's work, particularly in her presentation of characters' lives.
(p. 139-145)
Charles Harpur and the Myth of Origins, Paul Kane , single work criticism (p. 146-160)
Romance Australia : Love in Australian Literature of Exploration, Christina Thompson , single work criticism (p. 161-171)
Shirley Hazzard : Transit and "The Bay of Noon", Giovanna Capone , single work criticism (p. 172-183)
Catherine Martin, Writer : Her Life and Ideas, Margaret Allen , single work criticism
A biography of Catherine Martin and the ways in which her works reflect the issues of her times.
(p. 184-197)
A Christina Stead Letter, Anita Kristina Segerberg , single work criticism (p. 198-201)
Reopening the Case of Ada Cambridge, Patricia Barton , single work criticism
Barton examines the revisions between Unspoken Thoughts and The Hand in the Dark and concludes that central to an undestanding of Cambridge's work is "the desire to reduce the importance of the conflict between fear of abandonment and thirst for freedom".
(p. 201-209)
The Penguin and the Man-O'-War Hawk : Joseph Furphy's Critical Reputation, 1903-1947, Robert Darby , single work criticism
Darby examines the early reception of Such is Life to demonstrate that, contrary to previous opinions, those first readers were aware of the hidden plots and appreciated the narrative complexity.
(p. 210-223)
Interview with Jack London, Vance Palmer (interviewer), single work interview (p. 235-236)
[Untitled], David Carter , single work review
— Review of National Fictions : Literature, Film and the Construction of Australian Narrative Graeme Turner , 1986 single work criticism ;
(p. 237-241)
[Review Essay], Jill Roe , single work review
— Review of Catherine Helen Spence Catherine Helen Spence , 1987 selected work novel criticism extract prose ; Point of Departure : The Autobiography of Jean Devanny Jean Devanny , 1987 single work autobiography ;
(p. 242-245)
[Untitled], Jim Tulip , single work review
— Review of Robert D. FitzGerald Robert D. FitzGerald , 1987 selected work criticism biography poetry short story prose ; A Tribute to David Campbell : A Collection of Essays 1987 anthology essay ;
(p. 246-248)
[Untitled], Marianne Ehrhardt , single work review
— Review of Adam Lindsay Gordon : A Comprehensive Bibliography 1986 single work bibliography biography ;
(p. 249-250)
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