Alternative title: New Books for Boys and Girls
Issue Details: First known date: 1972... no. 42 January 1972 of Reading Time est. 1956 Reading Time : New Books for Boys and Girls
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* Contents derived from the , 1972 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
BIB '71, Annette Macarthur-Onslow , single work autobiography (p. 2-7)
Out of Provincialism, Eve Pownall , single work review
— Review of A History of Australian Children's Literature 1941-1970 H. M. Saxby , Marjorie Cotton , 1971 reference criticism ;
(p. 43-44)
Portrait of an Illustrator : Margaret Horder, Margaret Horder , single work autobiography (p. 45)
Make Bright, Noreen Shelley , single work criticism (p. 46-47)
Untitled, Eve Pownall , single work review
— Review of Who Calls from Afar Hesba Brinsmead , 1971 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 49) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, Colin Hyndes , single work review
— Review of Longtime Passing Hesba Brinsmead , 1971 single work novel ;
(p. 49-50) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, Colin Hyndes , single work review
— Review of No Wider Land Roy Palmer Bulcock , 1971 single work novel ;
(p. 50) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, H. M. Saxby , single work review
— Review of Zop, King of the Fireflitters Barbara MacFarlane , 1971 single work picture book ;
(p. 50) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, Anne Bower Ingram , single work review
— Review of Double Ex! Daphne Marie Rooke , 1971 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 50-51) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
[Review] Josh, Eve Pownall , single work review
— Review of Josh Ivan Southall , 1971 single work novel ;
(p. 51) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, Eve Pownall , single work review
— Review of Jeedarra Country James Preston , 1971 single work children's fiction ; North to the Isa Una Rothwell , 1971 single work novel ;
(p. 51-52) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction
Untitled, H. M. Saxby , single work review
— Review of Riverview Kids Elizabeth Wilton , 1971 single work children's fiction ; Robbie's Mob Jo Rice , 1971 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 52) Section: Australiana : Fiction and Non-Fiction