'This enchanting tale is at once a beautifully rendered narrative of childhood loss and a powerfully simple fable about the necessity of imagination.
'Pobby and Dingan are Kellyanne Williamson’s best friends, maybe her only friends, and only she can see them. Kellyanne’s brother, Ashmol, can’t see them and doesn’t believe they exist anywhere but in Kellyanne’s immature imagination. Only when Pobby and Dingan disappear and Kellyanne becomes heartsick over their loss does Ashmol realize that not only must he believe in Pobby and Dingan, he must convince others to believe in them, too.' (Publication summary)
Pobby and Dingan are invisible. They live in an opal town in Australia and are friends with Kellyanne Williamson (Saphire Boyce), the 9-year-old daughter of opal miner Rex Williamson (Vince Colosimo). The film is a funny, uplifting and touching story of the bizarre and inexplicable disappearance of Pobby and Dingan, Kellyanne's imaginary friends, and the impact this has on her family and the whole town. The story is told through the eyes of Kellyanne's 11-year-old brother Ashmol (Christian Byers).
Source: Cinematic Intelligence Agency, http://thecia.com.au/reviews/p/pobby-and-dingan.shtml
Sighted: 14/02/2006