y separately published work icon LiNQ periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Literature in North Queensland
Issue Details: First known date: 1980... vol. 8 no. 3 1980 of LiNQ est. 1969 LiNQ
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* Contents derived from the , 1980 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Snap, S. M. Maclean , single work short story (p. 1-4)
Jeremy Cree and the Sea and Mei"We went for a holiday down by the sea,", Valerie Coombe , single work poetry (p. 5-6)
A Manner of Womani"They called me in", Valerie Coombe , single work poetry (p. 7-8)
Fool's Goldi"There was a time", Valerie Coombe , single work poetry (p. 9)
An Experience in Australia, Noel Macainsh (translator), Anton Wildgans , single work short story (p. 11-16)
Wanted Knowni"We are not past it", Bettina Cummins , single work poetry (p. 16)
Telephonei"The switchboard answering,", Barbara Henson , single work poetry (p. 17)
Untitled For Gwen Harwoodi"Your son's third marriage looming up,", Graeme Hetherington , single work poetry (p. 18)
Self-Immolation of a Young Womani"It ends with a cry", Susannah Brown , single work poetry (p. 18)
The Table Roundi"She leaps the barrier of waiting eyes", Susannah Brown , single work poetry (p. 19)
Jean Devanny's Queensland Novels, Carole Ferrier , single work criticism (p. 20-30)
Night-Time Geometricsi"Zig-zag of despair", Joyce Cole , single work poetry (p. 30)
She Came In From the Terminali"she came in from the terminal", Rory Harris , single work poetry (p. 43)
In Moscowi"In Moscow, my grandmother appeared, who was Scottish.", Elizabeth Perkins , single work poetry (p. 44)
Fisherwomani"She sits for hours", Helen Horton , single work poetry (p. 45-46)
A Womani"At the podium she hurries, her full body obeying", Liliana Rydzynski , single work poetry (p. 47)
Neighbourlinessi"I saw her often, peering", Joyce Cole , single work poetry (p. 48)
Girli"Shake off the ribbons!", Edith Speers , single work poetry (p. 49)
And Everyone is Trying to Get Out of the Acti"She interrogates the platform", Karen Knight , single work poetry (p. 50)
Bike Buriali"Those ancient Vikings", Margaret Bradstock , single work poetry (p. 51)