person or book cover
Source: Galactic Central Publications (
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... no. 22 1999 of Aurealis : Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction est. 1990 Aurealis : Australian Fantasy & Science Fiction
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* Contents derived from the 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Waiting Tree, Stephen Higgins , single work short story science fiction (p. 11-26)
Mating Habits, Sacha Davis , single work short story science fiction (p. 27-33)
The Glass Woman, Kaaron Warren , single work short story horror (p. 35-41)
Worm Song, Naomi Hatchman , single work short story science fiction (p. 43-52)
Love Sick, Anthony Morris , single work short story science fiction (p. 53-59)
Dance of the Murran-Ji, Colin J. Ponting , single work short story science fiction (p. 62-69)
End Game, John T. Stolarczyk , single work short story science fiction (p. 71-82)
The Ikin Interviews : Stephen Dedman, Van Ikin (interviewer), single work interview (p. 83-91)
Untitled, Bill Congreve , single work review
— Review of A Shadow on the Glass Ian Irvine , 1998 single work novel ; Exile's Return Kate Jacoby , 1998 single work novel ;
(p. 95-97)
Untitled, Bill Congreve , single work review
— Review of The Year's Best : Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy : Volume 2 1998 anthology short story ;
(p. 97)
[Review] The Resurrected Man, Bill Congreve , single work review
— Review of The Resurrected Man Sean Williams , 1998 single work novel ;
(p. 98-99)
Untitled, Bill Congreve , single work review
— Review of The Undying Mudrooroo , 1998 single work novel ;
(p. 99-100)
Untitled, Bill Congreve ,