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Issue Details: First known date: 1991... 1991 Homeland
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* Contents derived from the North Sydney, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Allen and Unwin , 1991 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Homeland : Introduction, George Papaellinas , single work criticism (p. ix-xvi)
Homeland, Anna Maria Dell'Oso , single work prose (p. 2-12)
Litany for the Homeland, Janette Turner Hospital , single work prose (p. 14-25)
Homelandi"I have been here before, my distant life", Kevin Gilbert , single work poetry (p. 27-31)
Homelandi"My beautiful cities", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 33-35)
[Homeland] (for Petrushka Enge Maria Owen), Lily Brett , single work short story (p. 37-46)
Homeland, Sam Sejavka , single work short story (p. 48-59)
Homelandi"Minji-la, Minji-la,", Oodgeroo Noonuccal , single work poetry (p. 61-62)
[Homeland]i"My state school education", Geoff Goodfellow , single work poetry (p. 64-65)
Homeland, Stanley Correy , Tom Zubrycki , single work prose (p. 68-82)
[Homeland] (in Memory of Dimiter Gunew 1920-1980), Sneja Gunew , single work prose (p. 84-92)
[Homeland]i"it's a boy", Komninos Zervos , single work poetry (p. 94-96)
Homeland, Tom Petsinis , single work short story (p. 98-106)
[Homeland, Peter Corris , single work short story (p. 108-117)
[Homeland, Angelo Loukakis , single work short story (p. 119-128)
[Homeland, Tony Lintermans , single work short story (p. 130-144)
[Homeland]i"A sound, a human voice", Antigone Kefala , single work poetry (p. 146)
[Homeland, Robert Dessaix , single work prose (p. 148-154)
Homelandi"This is a poem and not an autobiography lost", Beate Josephi , single work poetry (p. 156-158)
Homeland, Elizabeth Jolley , single work short story (p. 160-168)