y separately published work icon Ulitarra periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1995... no. 8 1995 of Ulitarra est. 1992 Ulitarra
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* Contents derived from the , 1995 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Real Estate, Anson Cameron , single work short story (p. 1-8)
[Untitled] (from The Blood Judge), Jennifer Maiden , extract (p. 9-13)
Chasing the White Dog, Felicity Bremner , single work short story (p. 14-18)
Shikara, Michelle Mee , single work short story (p. 19-20)
Untitled, Brian Kiernan , single work review
— Review of The Oxford Book of Australian Short Stories 1994 anthology short story criticism extract poetry ;
(p. 21-23)
Rapunzel Retold, Arabella Edge , single work short story (p. 24-29)
Interview with Ian Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service, single work interview biography (p. 30-45)
Stories of the Un-Making, Ian Anderson , single work short story (p. 46-50)
The Couple Who Didn't Have a Lounge, Stephen Lacey , single work short story (p. 51-52)
Run Phyllis Run, Digby West , single work short story (p. 53-60)
Poetry and the Public Past, Geoff Page , single work prose (p. 75-81)
Another New Yeari"the first week of the new year and", Joanne Burns , single work poetry (p. 82)
Bride 1912i"Insect apparatus", David Herkt , single work poetry (p. 83)
The Passage from the Virgin to the Bride 1912i"Panic of dark corridors and flight", David Herkt , single work poetry (p. 83)
Song (for Robert Adamson)i"When I was an ounce of pepper", Gwen Harwood , single work poetry (p. 84-85)
Morning Poemi"For an instant we are them - Mr and Mrs Clarke,", Lucy Dougan , single work poetry (p. 85)
On Whitby Sandsi"You were worried that the man with the small hammer", Lucy Dougan , single work poetry (p. 86)
A Skull in the Mamanucas : i.m. Hart Crane, 1899-1932i"The skull is white, gritty", Norman Talbot , single work poetry (p. 87)
Nousa Ayudi"If He stops in a man's ankle, a man must touch the tips of each finger", Philip Hammial , single work poetry (p. 88-89)
Critical Massi"slack morning limps in", John Davies , single work poetry (p. 89)