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y separately published work icon Westerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... vol. 41 no. 4 Summer 1996 of Westerly est. 1956 Westerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
If I Lived in Iceland You Could Call Me an Icelandic Poet, Mal Morgan , single work biography (p. 5-11)
Significant Sojourns: Reflections on America and Australia, Sara Dowse , single work biography (p. 12-20)
Reflections of a Wandering Jew, Arnold Zable , single work biography (p. 21-27)
My Grandmother's Chairi"I'm not sitting in her chair", Dorothy Porter , single work poetry (p. 28-29)
Seventeen Versions of Jewishness, Morris Lurie , single work prose (p. 30-36)
Kunzel, Ron Elisha , single work short story (p. 37-46)
[Untitled] (from Polish Corridors)i"When I was maybe six", Alex Skovron , extract poetry (p. 47-49)
Talmudic Excursions, Andrea Goldsmith , single work biography (p. 50-53)
Mud in My Tearsi"For two thousand sessions", Lily Brett , single work poetry (p. 54-55)
Thing Could Be Forgotten: Women's Remembrances in Lily Brett's Poetry and Fiction, Roberta Buffi , single work criticism (p. 56-63)
Mirrori"My parents were not in a camp", Eva Collins , single work poetry (p. 64)
Breitbart, the Strongest Jew, Bernard Cohen , single work short story (p. 70-72)
Hannah Ziebeli"There is no one left to ask, those", Yve Louis , single work poetry (p. 73-74)
Ballad of Sidi""How do l look, son?", Alan Collins , single work poetry (p. 75-76)
Despatch from Canaan (Judges 4)i"Deborah, primal Jewish mother,", Raphael Rish , single work poetry (p. 76)
Platform 14, Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo , single work short story (p. 77-80)
Finding Theodore and Brina, Terri-Ann White , extract novel (p. 85-90)
Mr Smithi"Our father dabbled in stamps,", Shirley Harrison , single work poetry (p. 91-92)
Part 3 (from You Chase After Your Likeness)i"Moyshe", Phyllis Perlstone , single work poetry (p. 93-96)
Sponsoring Migrantsi"We sweat over the forms.", Nora Krouk , single work poetry (p. 101)