y separately published work icon Voices periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... vol. 7 no. 2 Winter 1997 of Voices est. 1991 Voices
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* Contents derived from the , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Old Doctori"The G.P. sign has gone", Vera Urban , single work poetry (p. 47)
There are Daysi"There are days", Vera Urban , single work poetry (p. 48)
Suburban Foxi"I saw you trotting", Vera Urban , single work poetry (p. 49)
Prami"She's a dab hand at feeding", Vera Urban , single work poetry (p. 50)
Witchi"My new neighbour", Vera Urban , single work poetry (p. 51)
Off the Walli"Rembrandt's Wife, no less steady than usual", Katherine Gallagher , single work poetry (p. 52)
Summer Feveri"Hours ago, we disappeared", Katherine Gallagher , single work poetry (p. 53)
Thinking of My Mother on the Anniversary of Her Death Thinking of My Mother on Her Anniversaryi"I search her face across a hemisphere,", Katherine Gallagher , single work poetry (p. 54)
Such as They Werei"He is planting trees,", Chris Wallace-Crabbe , single work poetry (p. 55)
Cicadasi"You never see the cicadas come,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 56)
Toledo Scissorsi"I've lost my little, golden Spanish scissors,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 57)
Coal Mani"I remember him", Jean Thornton , single work poetry (p. 58)
Decoyi"Now it's over. No sweat, like they said.", Chris Andrews , single work poetry (p. 59)
Ex Libris (for Ian and Lynn Freed)i"My friends in the UK know my weakness for books", Alex Skovron , single work poetry (p. 60)
Patrick White: Painter Manque, Helen Hewitt , single work criticism (p. 61-70)
Willows, Ken Spillman , single work short story (p. 72-80)
Everbody's Stranger, A. John Davis , single work short story (p. 81-92)
Interviewing Milton's Cook, Brenda Niall , single work criticism (p. 93-102)
After Demidenko, A. P. Riemer , single work criticism
Includes discussion of The Tunnel (1995) by William H. Gass.
(p. 104-113)
The Erotogenic Distaff: Three Modes of Australian Erotic Fiction, Neil James , single work review
— Review of Eat Me Linda Jaivin , 1995 single work novel ; Quiver : A Book of Erotic Tales Tobsha Learner , 1996 selected work short story ; Rock n Roll Babes from Outer Space Linda Jaivin , 1996 single work novel ; Sex Crimes Peta Spear , 1996 selected work short story ;
(p. 114-118)