y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1989... vol. 49 no. 2 June 1989 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1989 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Barbara Baynton's Human Toll : A Modernist Text?, Shirley Walker , single work criticism
Walker responds to critics who have questioned the value of the structure and melodrama of Human Toll, arguing that the novel is a deliberate experiment that anticipates narrative techniques used by modernist writers. Walker argues that the melodrama of Human Toll acts as hyperbole to the realism of the text, reflecting Baynton's "outrage at the moral blindness, grotesquerie and evil to be found in the society of the bush". This effect makes way for the psychological realism of the last chapters of the book, producing a mixture of modes and techniques that identify a "proto-modernist text which is well before its time".
(p. 131-148)
Tuckshopi"On a foggy windscreen morning", Mark Mahemoff , single work poetry (p. 148)
Pioneer Winemakeri"His hand was always clenched", Jeff Guess , single work poetry (p. 149)
Mercuric Sulphatei"From the fire-baked, cramped summer kitchen", Jeff Guess , single work poetry (p. 150)
Billyjim and Colonel Campbell, Geoff Page , single work short story (p. 157-172)
Seriesi"The magnum opus was a set of three,", Stephen Magee , single work poetry (p. 173-174)
Pictures at an Exhibitioni"Tonight", Peter Rose , single work poetry (p. 174)
Thomas and Elizabeth, Jennifer Compton , single work short story (p. 175-181)
Self Portraiti"In this room stillness is a claw curled up in silk.", Graeme Hetherington , single work poetry (p. 181)
"Differant Curioes", Kevin Hart , single work criticism (p. 182-196)
Surface Tensioni"the lead weight", John Davies , single work poetry (p. 196)
Flowers, Perfume, Glasnosti"unsure", John Davies , single work poetry (p. 197)
Getting Married, Ugo Rotellini , single work short story (p. 198-209)
Marsh-Marigolds on the Same Meadowi"Marsh-marigolds on the same meadow", Agnieszka Niemira-Dowjat , single work poetry (p. 210)
Freedomi"To be sent into awareness of companionship", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 219)
Light the First Light of Eveningi"In solitude", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 219-220)
Securing the Loadi"My father makes lovely knots", Mark Mahemoff , single work poetry (p. 220)
Bright Star, Ian Kennedy Williams , single work short story (p. 221-227)
Restorationi"Old ghosts have fled-shattered", Winifred Weir , single work poetry (p. 228)
The Pilgrimage : 2 : Morning Walki"Our morning walk has become ritual", Winifred Weir , single work poetry (p. 229)