y separately published work icon Australian Women's Book Review periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: AWBR
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... vol. 9 no. 1 Autumn 1997 of Australian Women's Book Review est. 1989 Australian Women's Book Review
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* Contents derived from the , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Editorial [Australian Women's Book Review, Autumn 1997], Barbara Brook , single work column (p. i)
Southern Exposure, Robin Burns , single work review
— Review of Antarctica : Poems Caroline Caddy , 1996 selected work poetry ;
(p. 3)
Salutationi"A stranger acknowledged in gesture and glance.", Loula Rodopoulos , single work poetry (p. 8)
Gather Ye Rosebudsi"The protesters sit meditating", Frances Rouse , single work poetry (p. 9)
The Women's Library National Short Story Competition 1997, single work column (p. 15)
Out of Memory, Fiona Winning , single work short story (p. 15-18)
Notebooksi"In dialogue with philosophers and poets", Loula Rodopoulos , single work poetry (p. 18)
Wedding Dresses (for Mum and Elena), Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli , single work short story (p. 19-20)
The Shell, Jennifer Moore , single work short story (p. 21-23)
Mona (after 'Val' 'AWBR' October 1996)i"Desperate for heart-and-mind", R. Farrell , single work poetry (p. 22)
Reading Her Poemsi"Her poems replete,", Sandra Hutchins , single work poetry (p. 26)
Nuraghic Echoes: Echoes of the Self, Sonia Mycak , single work review
— Review of Nuraghic Echoes Hazel Smith , 1996 single work drama ; The Riting of the Runda Hazel Smith , 1996 single work drama ;
(p. 30-31)
A Humorous Life, Jo-Ann Stubbings , single work review
— Review of I'd Rather Be Laughing : Autobiographical Story Janka Abrami , 1996 single work novel autobiography ;
(p. 33)
Madeleines and Kalamata Olives, Barbara Brook , single work review
— Review of Fetish Lives Gail Jones , 1997 selected work short story ;
(p. 35,43)
Women Observing Wartime, Katherine Cummings , single work review
— Review of The Hero Louise Le Nay , 1996 single work novel ; To Be There with You Gayla Reid , 1994 selected work short story ;
(p. 36-37)
Aboriginal Women's Writing Today, Sandra R. Phillips , single work criticism (p. 40-42)
True Red, Carmel Shute , single work review
— Review of The Hammer and Sickle and the Washing Up : Memories of an Australian Woman Communist Amirah Inglis , 1995 single work autobiography ;
(p. 42-43)
Too Many Gaps in the Record, Kayt Arthur , single work review
— Review of Big Man's Barbie : ten days that shook my booty Leonie Stevens , 1996 single work novel ;
(p. 44)