y separately published work icon Salt periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... vol. 9 1996 of Salt est. 1990-2004 Salt
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* Contents derived from the Fremantle Press Folio / Salt , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Marxist Theme Park, Budapest (for Chris Kelen)i"Monoliths wlecome the overcast day", Adam Aitken , single work poetry (p. 8-10)
National Servicei"My childhood watchword - what could that be but duty", Peter Porter , single work poetry (p. 13-14)
Dwelling in the Shape of Things : Meditations on Cezannei"The blue vase leans", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 15-23)
Excerpts from Journal and Reading Before Trip to Antarctica, Caroline Caddy , single work prose biography (p. 24-26)
Extracts from Journal on Trip to Antarctica Aboard Icebreaker `Aurora Australis', 1992, Caroline Caddy , single work prose biography (p. 26-32)
Solitudei"It's something they carry with them", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 33)
Aphasiai"The small Antarctica we all carry", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 34)
The Music Makersi"Over ice that's humped", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 35)
Skyi"Ah sky ...", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 36-37)
Trashi"I don't say I'm sad or even that I'm sad", Kris Hemensley , single work poetry (p. 38-39)
From an American Baedeckeri"Along the ley from Cornwall to New York", Kris Hemensley , single work poetry (p. 39-41)
Riversdale Poems : Riversdale, First Lighti"Impatient for the sun's blade", Mark Miller , single work poetry (p. 42)
Riversdale Poems : Secrets in Stonei"On the ridge", Mark Miller , single work poetry (p. 42-43)
Riversdale Poems : The Riveri"Sky composes", Mark Miller , single work poetry (p. 43-44)
Riversdale Poems : Eeli"Darkness closes around me", Mark Miller , single work poetry (p. 44)
Man on the River Flats Riversdale Poems : Man on the River Flatsi"In this late estuarine-light", Mark Miller , single work poetry (p. 44-45)
Day Two : The Bre Roo Works : Inside the Boning Factoryi"[First line removed at the request of Coral Hull]", Coral Hull , single work poetry (p. 46-49)
Day Two : The Bre Roo Works : The Presence of the Poeti"[First line removed at the request of Coral Hull]", Coral Hull , single work poetry (p. 49-50)
Day Two : The Bre Roo Works : 'The Boys Giving Me a Hard Time'i"[First line removed at the request of Coral Hull]", Coral Hull , single work poetry (p. 50-51)
Day Two : The Bre Roo Works : The Dark Dead Blood of the Kangarooi"[First line removed at the request of Coral Hull]", Coral Hull , single work poetry (p. 51-52)