'Nothing more guaranteed to upset the Edenic applecart than beginning an article on A.D. Hope with a barbed quote from Michael Dransfield that was pointedly directed at least partly at his 'Official' poet. Dransfield, loved or loathed, we set to one side as poet of 'protest', and on the other side, buy by no means firmly fixed there, seems to rest Hope, among whose many writings we recall an essay against poetry as activism.'
'Nothing more guaranteed to upset the Edenic applecart than beginning an article on A.D. Hope with a barbed quote from Michael Dransfield that was pointedly directed at least partly at his 'Official' poet. Dransfield, loved or loathed, we set to one side as poet of 'protest', and on the other side, buy by no means firmly fixed there, seems to rest Hope, among whose many writings we recall an essay against poetry as activism.'