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y separately published work icon Dear Miffy single work   novel   young adult  
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Dear Miffy
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Tony is an abandoned, violent, acting out youth who writes letters to Miffy, his ex-girlfriend, while he is rehabilitating after an attempted suicide. (Source: Trove)

Affiliation Notes

  • Writing Disability in Australia:

    Type of disability Paraplegia.
    Type of character Primary.
    Point of view First person.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Alternative title: Vi ses... Tony
Language: Swedish
    • Stockholm,
      Scandinavia, Western Europe, Europe,
      BonnierCarlsen ,
      1998 .
      image of person or book cover 7976056736712415995.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 105p.
      ISBN: 9163834952

Works about this Work

Australian Author John Marsden Moved so Many with His Powerful Novels. Here Are ABC Arts' Favourites Nicola Heath , Mawunyo Gbogbo , Jared Richards , Katherine Smyrk , Anna Kelsey-Sugg , 2024 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online} , December 2024;

— Review of Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel ; The Rabbits John Marsden , 1998 single work picture book ; Tomorrow, When the War Began John Marsden , 1993 single work novel ; Letters from the Inside John Marsden , 1991 single work novel ; So Much to Tell You John Marsden , 1987 single work novel
The Troll under the Bridge : Should Australian Publishers of Young Adult Literature Act as Moral-Gatekeepers? Shivaun Plozza , 2015 single work criticism
— Appears in: TEXT : Special Issue Website Series , October no. 32 2015;

'In the world of Young Adult Literature, the perceived impact of certain texts on the moral, social and psychological development of its readers is a cause for debate. The question ‘what is suitable content for a pre-adult readership’ is one guaranteed to produce conflicting, polarising and impassioned responses. Within the context of this debate, the essay explores a number of key questions. Do publishers have a moral obligation to avoid certain topics or should they be pushing the boundaries of teen fiction further? Is it the role of the publisher to consider the impact of books they publish to a teenage audience? Should the potential impact of a book on its reader be considered ahead of a book’s potential to sell and make money? This article analyses criticism and praise for two ‘controversial’ Australian Young Adult books: Sonya Hartnett’s Sleeping Dogs (1997) and John Marsden’s Dear Miffy (1997). It argues that ‘issues-books’ are necessary to the development of teens, and publishers should continue to push the envelope of teen fiction while ensuring they make a concerted effort to produce quality, sensitive and challenging books for a teen market.'

Source: Abstract.

Honest and Subtle: Writing about Sex in Young Adult Literature Erin Farrow , 2015 single work single work essay
— Appears in: The Conversation , 25 September 2015;

'According to the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society’s (ARCSHS) 2013 National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health, over 34% of the Year 10-12 students surveyed reported having had sexual intercourse, while 69% have experienced some form of sexual activity.

'When sex is evidently a part of adolescent lives, it would be remiss not to include it in the literature written for them.

'So how should sex in young adult literature be depicted?'

The Music of the Dark Angel : Dear Miffy John Noell Moore , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: John Marsden : Darkness, Shadow, and Light 2011; (p. 55-68)
Misery's Triumph Andrew Bolt , 2003 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Sunday Mail , 24 August 2003; (p. 80)
[Review] Dear Miffy Margot Nelmes , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: Reading Time : The Journal of the Children's Book Council of Australia , August vol. 41 no. 3 1997; (p. 32)

— Review of Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel
[Review] Dear Miffy Kevin Steinberger , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , May vol. 12 no. 2 1997; (p. 39)

— Review of Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel
Left Longing for the Bits Kim Left Out Lucy Lehmann , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 3 May 1997; (p. 10s)

— Review of The Year of Freaking Out Sarah Walker , 1997 single work novel ; Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel
Boys You're Bound to Recognise Linnet Hunter , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 14-15 June 1997; (p. rev 7)

— Review of Idiot Pride Matt Zurbo , 1997 single work novel ; Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel ; Beach Baby Nicole Plüss , 1997 single work novel ; Spiked Jocelyn Harewood , 1992 single work novel
The Ambition to be Dead Peter Nicholls , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , May no. 190 1997; (p. 58-59)

— Review of Dear Miffy John Marsden , 1997 single work novel
Misery's Triumph Andrew Bolt , 2003 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Sunday Mail , 24 August 2003; (p. 80)
At Issue... The Reader's Response 1997 single work interview
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , May vol. 12 no. 2 1997; (p. 14-15)
Eleven students from Hale School, John XXIII College and St Mary's Anglican Girls School in Perth, W.A., discuss John Marsden's Dear Miffy and the attention it received in the media. This is a direct transcript of their talk.
Including Them Out : Working-Class Characters in Contemporary Australian Young Adult Fiction Nadia Wheatley , 1999 single work criticism
— Appears in: Overland , Summer no. 157 1999; (p. 40-45)
Life Sucks, Timmy Kate Legge , 1997 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australian Magazine , 8-9 March 1997; (p. 10-14,16-18)
Marsden and Masculinity : A Gender Analysis of Dear Miffy Sharyn Pearce , 2001 single work criticism
— Appears in: Papers : Explorations into Children's Literature , April vol. 11 no. 1 2001; (p. 32-37)
Pearce critiques John Marsden's novel Dear Miffy (1997) as a narrative that reinforces the polarisation of the sexes in a post-feminist climate and at a time when masculinity is seen to be in crisis. Further, she argues Marsden's representations of fathers (and mothers) supports the notion that the revitalisation of manhoood is 'essential for healing the wounded nature of modern masculinity' and that the narrative is fundamentally about 'father hunger' (p.34). The protagonist of the novel fits Bob Connell's description of 'protest masculinity' as he struggles with his masculinity, relationships and socio-economic circumstances. Pearce points out that rigid class demarcations in the text not only underlie stereotyped representations of 'the have and have-nots' but link class with the 'traditional notion that manhood is an achievment not a given and that it must be earned, won and fought for through various trials and ritualized suffering' (pp.33-34).
Last amended 27 Jan 2025 16:43:12