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y separately published work icon The Scent of Eucalyptus single work   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 1973... 1973 The Scent of Eucalyptus
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Barbara Hanrahan was both a writer and a visual artist, and this magical first novel is an autobiographical evocation of her childhood. A delicious blend of fantasy and realism, it is a powerful, lyrical story of a child's rites of passage through a world where the family home, its garden, and the three women who preside over it, area vital and compelling participants in the shaping of a child's rituals of discovery and awareness.' (UQP)


  • Some further newspaper reviews, without page numbers, are listed in the bibliography in Woman and Herself, by Annette Stewart.
  • Selected by the Big Book Club as joint featured book for December 2005.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Braille edition and sound recording also available.
Show 3 more publications of this version

Works about this Work

Australia in Three Books Robert Lukins , 2019 single work review
— Appears in: Meanjin , Autumn vol. 78 no. 1 2019; (p. 22-25)

'I’ve heard of that place, Australia. There are even some memories that persist of it as a discrete, identifiable object. It was a thing taught to me in primary school in jovial, unambiguous ways. It was a series of tales of sheep, and rushes of gold, and the bushranging bloke with a metal bucket on his head. It played cricket against the West Indies. It was precisely 200 years old and we dressed as convicts and walked down the town’s main street to celebrate this fact. All incompleteness and lies that I felt disconnected from then, as I do now.'  (Introduction)

'A Painted Queen Jumped Free' : Body and Spirit in the Fiction of Barbara Hanrahan Lyn McCredden , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 70 no. 2 2010; (p. 15-37)
The article discusses the sacred and the erotic in Hanrahan's work, and the conjoining of both.
Descriptive Step Back to Old Adelaide Rob Greenwood , 2005 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 3 December 2005; (p. 25)
Towards a Poetics of the 'Unhomed': The House in Katherine Mansfield's 'Prelude' and Barbara Hanrahan's The Scent of Eucalyptus Elisenda Masgrau-Peya , 2004 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , June vol. 18 no. 1 2004; (p. 60-66)
Masgrau-Peya examines 'the representation of home and the domestic myth in Mansfield's 'Prelude' and in Hanrahan 's The Scent of the Eucalyptus, concentrating on their simultaneous presentation of the fiction of domestic bliss and the repudiation of the ideological tenets that inform it.' Masgrau-Peya argues that being 'unhoused' for most of their adult lives, Mansfield and Hanrahan eschewed the 'comforts of either home or conventional family'. Their writing, even when recognising the 'warmth and security' of family and the 'comforts of home' also acknowledges 'the politics of repression, exclusion and exploitation that make them possible.'
The 'Good Oil': Eucalypts and Murray Bail's Eucalyptus Lyn Jacobs , 2001 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , June vol. 15 no. 1 2001; (p. 40-44)
[Untitled] Connie Mercer , 1993 single work review
— Appears in: Fiction Focus : New Titles for Teenagers , vol. 7 no. 2 1993; (p. 16)

— Review of The Scent of Eucalyptus Barbara Hanrahan , 1973 single work novel
Paperbacks Veronica Sen , 1993 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 11 July 1993; (p. 26)

— Review of Tooth and Claw Gabrielle Lord , 1983 single work novel ; The World is Round Louise Mack , 1896 single work novel ; see more review subjects
Too Many Echoes Katharine England , 1984 single work review
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 3 March 1984; (p. 35)

— Review of Kewpie Doll Barbara Hanrahan , 1984 single work novel ; The Scent of Eucalyptus Barbara Hanrahan , 1973 single work novel
Untitled Thomas Shapcott , 1989 single work review
— Appears in: The Good Reading Guide 1989; (p. 98)

— Review of The Scent of Eucalyptus Barbara Hanrahan , 1973 single work novel ; The Albatross Muff Barbara Hanrahan , 1977 single work novel
Wild Poetry Unlocked Once More Carol Mara , 1993 single work review
— Appears in: The Newcastle Herald , 24 April 1993; (p. 48)

— Review of The Scent of Eucalyptus Barbara Hanrahan , 1973 single work novel
Towards a Poetics of the 'Unhomed': The House in Katherine Mansfield's 'Prelude' and Barbara Hanrahan's The Scent of Eucalyptus Elisenda Masgrau-Peya , 2004 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , June vol. 18 no. 1 2004; (p. 60-66)
Masgrau-Peya examines 'the representation of home and the domestic myth in Mansfield's 'Prelude' and in Hanrahan 's The Scent of the Eucalyptus, concentrating on their simultaneous presentation of the fiction of domestic bliss and the repudiation of the ideological tenets that inform it.' Masgrau-Peya argues that being 'unhoused' for most of their adult lives, Mansfield and Hanrahan eschewed the 'comforts of either home or conventional family'. Their writing, even when recognising the 'warmth and security' of family and the 'comforts of home' also acknowledges 'the politics of repression, exclusion and exploitation that make them possible.'
Descriptive Step Back to Old Adelaide Rob Greenwood , 2005 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 3 December 2005; (p. 25)
'A Painted Queen Jumped Free' : Body and Spirit in the Fiction of Barbara Hanrahan Lyn McCredden , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 70 no. 2 2010; (p. 15-37)
The article discusses the sacred and the erotic in Hanrahan's work, and the conjoining of both.
Parallel Lives : Barbara Hanrahan, Barbara Harvey Zerbini David Dolan , 1994 single work biography
— Appears in: Voices , Autumn vol. 4 no. 1 1994; (p. 22-30)
Earthworm Small Barbara Hanrahan , 1989 single work biography
— Appears in: Inner Cities : Australian Women's Memory of Place 1989; (p. 143-152)
Last amended 9 Jan 2016 13:41:13
  • Adelaide, South Australia,
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