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y separately published work icon Kullark single work   drama   - Two acts
Issue Details: First known date: 1979... 1979 Kullark
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Kullark has been described as a 'documentary on the history of Aboriginals in WA.' The action begins with a version of the first contact between Europeans and the Noongar peoples, culminating in the death of Yagan in 1833, and covers the forcible separation of families and communities, and removal to reserves, and the ongoing discrimination against Indigenous people.' (Source: cited from AusStage website)

Production Details

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1979

Other Formats

Works about this Work

Theatre of Resistance : Aboriginality as Difference in Jack Davis’s Kullark Sudipta Chakraborty , 2023 single work criticism
— Appears in: Marginality in Australian Literature 2023; (p. 116-130)
Conceptualising Irish-Aboriginal Writing Maggie Nolan , 2021 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Literary Studies , vol. 36 no. 2 2021;

'This article considers some of the reasons why Irish-Australian literature has not been a significant trajectory within Australian literary studies and what it might offer if it were. Since the colonial era, Irish difference has been both recalcitrant and assimilable but, in the wake of Federation in 1901, Australian literature was concerned with the production of a national tradition and Irishness served to differentiate Australianness from Britishness. This article is concerned, then, with retrieving Irish difference. It extends my longstanding interest in Indigenous Australian literatures by analysing the representation of Irish Australians in Indigenous Australian writing, particularly moments of solidarity between the Irish and Indigenous Australians. After looking briefly at representations of colonial relations between the Irish and Aboriginal Australians in Jack Davis’ 1979 play Kullark and Eric Willmot’s historical novel Pemulwuy (1989), this article offers a reading of a minor scene in Alexis Wright’s Miles Franklin Literary Award-winning novel Carpentaria, published in 2006, as a way of exploring such representations in the contemporary era. This article is not trying to generate a new category for the field of Australian literary studies. Rather, it follows a seam within the Australian literary tradition that imagines generative forms of allegiance that may complicate existing conceptions of the Australian literary field.'

Source: Abstract.

Manifestations of Landscape, Language and Ethnicity in Post-War Australian Literature Deepkumar J. Trivedi , 2016 single work criticism
— Appears in: Narratives of Estrangement and Belonging : Indo-Australian Perspectives 2016; (p. 75-92)

'The post-war Australian literature offers multitude in terms of ethnicity. The talk of Aborigines, the stories of the whites, the psychological state of a migrant mind, the idea of home, the civilization and savagery, superiority and inferiority, rationality and sensuality, these all share the pages of Australian literature…' (75)

Spinning the Dreamers : Jack Davis and the Drama of Assimilation Tony Hughes-d'Aeth , 2015 single work essay
— Appears in: Westerly , vol. 60 no. 1 2015; (p. 24-39)
Bold, Black, and Brilliant: Aboriginal Australian Drama Maryrose Casey , 2013 single work criticism
— Appears in: A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature 2013; (p. 155-171)
In Australia, performance has been a pivotal point of encounter between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Historical Aboriginal cultures are probably the most performance based in the world. Explicitly choreographed performances marked every aspect of social, political, and spiritual life, ranging from judicial, religious, diplomatic, and pedagogical practices to hundreds of genres of performances for entertainment. This article tracks the progression of Aboriginal Australian drama from the nineteenth century through to the present day, commenting on the changing presence and acceptance of Aboriginal dramas.
Kullark : The Real Australian Story 1979 single work review
— Appears in: Artlook , March vol. 5 no. 3 1979; (p. 22-23)

— Review of Kullark Jack Davis , 1979 single work drama
The Making of an Aboriginal Theatre David Britton , 1986 single work column
— Appears in: Fremantle Arts Review , July vol. 1 no. 7 1986; (p. 12-13)
A Beach Somewhere : The Australian Littoral Imagination at Play Bruce Bennett , 2007 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Littoral Zone : Australian Contexts and Their Writers 2007; (p. 31-44)
A remarkable array of late twentieth and early twenty-first century Australian novelists and short story writers have presented images of West Australian beaches and coastlines. These authors include Robert Drewe, Jack Davis, Randolph Stow, Peter Cowan, Dorothy Hewett, and Tim Winton. Their human dramas have a peculiar poignancy when played out against the natural elements of these Western coasts. Sexual, emotional, or spiritual crises occur in maritime settings that both enhance their memorability and reveal humanity's fragile hold on the continent. (abstract taken from The Littoral Zone)
Kullark : Remembering History Subhash Verma , 2008 single work criticism
— Appears in: IJAS , vol. 1 no. 1 2008; (p. 121)
Aboriginal drama, which is a significant development of the 1980s, records the long and devastating history of the two centuries of colonial contact and oppression and represents resistance against the social, cultural, and political subjugation by the white establishment.
The Life and Works of Jack Davis Mark Cain (interviewer), 1987 single work interview
— Appears in: Us Fellas : An Anthology of Aboriginal Writing 1987; (p. 176-191)
Jack Davis and the Drama of Aboriginal History Brian Crow , Chris Banfield , 1996 single work criticism
— Appears in: An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theatre 1996; (p. 61-77)
Last amended 9 Sep 2024 15:04:15
  • Bush,
  • Swan River, Western Australia,
  • Moore River, Guilderton - Gingin area, Southwest Western Australia, Western Australia,
  • 1930s
  • 1940s
  • 1820s
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