'The elocution lessons of a boy named Benjamin Franklin bring about the destruction of his teacher, a timid transvestite whose only sexual activity takes place in the world of fantasy.'
Source: 'Noble Technique', Canberra Times, 19 March 1977, p.15.
Writing Disability in Australia:
Type of disability | Speech impairment. |
Type of character | Primary. |
Point of view | First person. |
First produced at the Nimrod Theatre Downstairs, Sydney on 28 August 1976, also by Hoopla Productions at the Grant Street Theatre, Melbourne in 1977. Produced in several countries.
Revived by director Richard Wherrett at the Seymour Centre in 1984 and again by Wherrett at The Playhouse, Sydney Opera House on 4 January 2002. [Wherrett died prior to the opening of the 2002 season and he nominated Adam Cook to take over the role of director.]