image of person or book cover 3319997433134333186.jpg
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y separately published work icon Loving Daughters single work   novel  
First known date: 1984 Issue Details: First known date: 1984... 1984 Loving Daughters
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

In this beautifully written, quietly powerful book, Masters tells the story of Una and Enid Herbert, two lively young women who keep house for their brothers and widowed father in Wyndham, a tiny farming township south of Sydney, shortly after World War I. Enid is her father’s favourite, tending to the house and garden and priding herself on her domestic skills. Una, however, is different from her sister. Artistic and restless, she escapes from the confines of their farm whenever possible.

Their lives are focused on family matters until the young Reverend Colin Edwards moves into their district. Hungry for love, both sisters are drawn to him, and he to them. Wanting them both, he struggles to decide between the two, as they vie with increasing competitiveness for his affections. Edward’s choice does nothing to remedy the rapidly developing triangle of love and tension, but rather increases its intensity.

Loving Daughters, told in Masters’s spare and elegant prose, is a remarkable story of love, disappointment, frustration, and desire.


  • Epigraph from 'Christabel' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

    ' The lovely lady, Christabel,

    Whom her father loves so well,

    What makes her in the wood so late,

    A furlong from the castle gate?

    She had dreams all yesternight

    Of her own betrothed knight;

    And she in the midnight wood will pray

    For the weal of her lover that's far away.

  • Dedication: For Charles.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      W. W. Norton ,
      1984 .
      image of person or book cover 5239242186260191685.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 319p.
      ISBN: 0393034984
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      W. W. Norton ,
      1993 .
      image of person or book cover 622925186026656092.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 319p.
      • Published: 17th June 1993
      ISBN: 9780393333480
Alternative title: Le Coeur labyrinthe
Language: French
    • Paris,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Deuxtemps-Tierce ,
      1991 .
      image of person or book cover 9205410252216113340.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 351p.
      ISBN: 290314463X
    • Paris,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Rivages ,
      1994 .
      image of person or book cover 3784577501730654477.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 353p.
      ISBN: 9782869307414

Other Formats

  • Sound recording.
  • Braille.
  • Large print.

Works about this Work

[Review] A Long Time Dying [et al] Helen Daniel , single work review
— Review of A Long Time Dying Olga Masters , 1985 selected work short story ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel ; Home Time Beverley Farmer , 1985 selected work short story
Around 1988 : Australian Literature, History and the Bicentenary Eduardo Marks de Marques , 2020 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Routledge Companion to Australian Literature 2020; (p. 99-106)
‘It is fair to state that one of the most important and heated debates in twentieth-century Australia, both inside and outside academia, is the constitution of the nation’s identity. Were Australians to be seen as the result of a miscegenating convergence of many European (with a certain centrality of British values) and native cultures or should Australians be acknowledged as the result of a powerful resistance against such miscegenation? Both discourses circulated somewhat freely and strongly, especially from the second half of that century; however, it was Russel Ward’s normative account of the constructive elements of the typical Australia that was more deeply embedded in the nation’s imagination. Ward’s The Australian Legend (1958) claims that the Australian national identity is formed by the convergence of a cultural and biological Anglo-Saxon heritage and what he refers to as a unique Australian construction of masculinity, based on notions of mateship, egalitarianism, and (implicit, though questioned) heterosexuality. With the advent of both the New Left and second-wave feminism in Australia, though, Ward’s ideas came under intense attack and dissent brought to the table a disruption of the Wardian formative elements of national identity, bringing as a result a displacement of the central, ‘typical’ Australian that made other dissenting identities (women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and other ethnicities) invisible. The grounds for a policy of multiculturalism were laid and the questioning of an Australian monocultural identity would be at the centre of the most important celebratory event of the end of the twentieth century: the Bicentenary of the arrival of the First Fleet, which marked the official beginning of British colonisation of Australia.’ (Introduction)
The Community Watches Over Them All : A Panoptic View of Life in the Fiction of Olga Masters Caroline Dick , 2018 single work criticism
— Appears in: Journal of Australian Studies , vol. 43 no. 4 2018; (p. 491-506)

'The fictional work of Olga Masters primarily focuses on family and domestic life in rural New South Wales between World War I and World War II. This article examines some forms of pernicious oppression and constrictions that overshadowed the lives of the author’s characters and, in particular, the constraints enforced upon her female characters. The article explores how the notion of community in the author’s fiction prefigures both as pervasive and invasive modes of social power and coercion. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s seminal work Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995), the article contends that the community acts as a collective presence that subjects its members to a form of overarching disciplinary power through the use of constant surveillance, supervision and control.' (Publication abstract)

Cultural Myths and Open Secrets : The Cattle Industries in Australia Melissa Boyde , 2013 single work essay
— Appears in: Long Paddock , vol. 73 no. 2 2013;
Enter the Clergyman, Handsome and Single Howard Frank Mosher , 1993 single work review
— Appears in: The New York Times Book Review , 16 May 1993; (p. 10)

— Review of Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel
[Review] Miss Peabody's Inheritance [et al] J. Motion , 1985 single work review
— Appears in: The Times Literary Supplement , 18 October 1985; (p. 1173)

— Review of Miss Peabody's Inheritance Elizabeth Jolley , 1983 single work novel ; Milk and Honey : A Novel Elizabeth Jolley , 1984 single work novel ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel ; Annie Magdalene Barbara Hanrahan , 1985 single work novel ; Bearded Ladies : Stories Kate Grenville , 1984 selected work short story poetry ; Palomino Elizabeth Jolley , 1980 single work novel ; Mr Scobie's Riddle Elizabeth Jolley , 1983 single work novel
Families and Fantasy Kerryn Goldsworthy , 1984 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , December no. 97 1984; (p. 75-77)

— Review of Archimedes and the Seagle : A Novel David Ireland , 1984 single work novel ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel
Recent Australian Fiction Thelma Forshaw , 1985 single work review
— Appears in: Quadrant , January-February vol. 29 no. 1-2 1985; (p. 138-140)

— Review of Archimedes and the Seagle : A Novel David Ireland , 1984 single work novel ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel ; Jane Austen in Australia : A Novel Barbara Ker Wilson , 1984 single work novel
[Review] A Long Time Dying [et al] Helen Daniel , single work review
— Review of A Long Time Dying Olga Masters , 1985 selected work short story ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel ; Home Time Beverley Farmer , 1985 selected work short story
Olga Masters' Plain Fiction Tells Home Truths... Phyllis Fahrie Edelson , 1987 single work review
— Appears in: Antipodes , November vol. 1 no. 2 1987; (p. 68-70)

— Review of A Long Time Dying Olga Masters , 1985 selected work short story ; The Home Girls Olga Masters , 1982 selected work short story ; Amy's Children Olga Masters , 1987 single work novel ; Loving Daughters Olga Masters , 1984 single work novel
Olga Masters...Late Blooming Banksia June Owen , 1988 single work biography
— Appears in: The Book Magazine , Winter vol. 2 no. 1 1988; (p. 15)
Flies in the Milk Dorothy Jones , 1990 single work criticism biography
— Appears in: Olga Masters, An Autumn Crocus : Proceedings of the Olga Masters Memorial Conference, 8-10 July 1988. 1990; (p. 1-11) A Kingdom and a Place of Exile : Critical Essays on Postcolonial Women's Writing 2010; (p. 53-61)
`Scrupulous Meanness': Narrative Economy as Plenitude Deirdre Coleman , 1990 single work criticism biography
— Appears in: Olga Masters, An Autumn Crocus : Proceedings of the Olga Masters Memorial Conference, 8-10 July 1988. 1990; (p. 12-20)
The Language of Silence in Olga Masters Bill Ashcroft , 1990 single work criticism biography
— Appears in: Olga Masters, An Autumn Crocus : Proceedings of the Olga Masters Memorial Conference, 8-10 July 1988. 1990; (p. 21-33)
Olga Masters' Celebrations Brian Matthews , 1990 single work criticism biography
— Appears in: Olga Masters, An Autumn Crocus : Proceedings of the Olga Masters Memorial Conference, 8-10 July 1988. 1990; (p. 34-47)
Last amended 4 Feb 2025 15:05:25