Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Aratjara : Aboriginal Culture and Literature in Australia
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* Contents derived from the Amsterdam,
Western Europe, Europe,
Rodopi , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Vera Take a Ridei"We use to ride emus and dolphins", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 39-40)
Yorro Yorro : Everything Standing up Alive : Spirit of the Kimberley, Jutta Malnic (interviewer), single work interview (p. 41-51)
Quick Sing Joowindoo Goonduhmui"Ngujoo nye muyunube/I can see a lot of people coming", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 53-54)
'We Know All about the Past...' : From Mythology to Mythograhy in Aboriginal Australia, Benno Wagner , single work criticism (p. 55-68)
Note: Revised version
Putting the English in Drag : Bungaree's Theatre of Mimicry as a Response to Colonialism, Phillip O'Neill , single work criticism (p. 69-86)
Mudrooroo : Australia's Most International Author?, Adam Shoemaker , single work criticism (p. 87-96)
Clio and Calliope : Documentation and Narration in 'Third-World' Historical Writing, Eckhard Breitinger , single work criticism (p. 97-108)
Dreamtimei"The first homo sapiens", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 109)
Clocktime and Dreamtime : A Reading of Mudrooroo's Master of the Ghost Dreaming, Eva Rask Knudsen , single work criticism (p. 111-120)
Aboriginal Women's Autobiography : Alice Nannup's When the Pelican Laughed, Anne Brewster , single work criticism (p. 121-127)
Reinventing Cultures : The Politics of Cultural Reformation as Reflected in Contemporary Aboriginal Performing Arts, Maurie Scott , single work criticism (p. 129-143)
Scenic Wonders - We Nulla Fellasi"Alongside cremated buried skeletons here", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 145-147)
Reading the Signs : A Semiotic Perspective on Aboriginal Theatre, Christopher B. Balme , single work criticism (p. 149-164)
Theatre du Diamant Noir - Black Diamond Theatre, Jean-Yves Lissonnet , Bob Maza , single work prose
Discusses plans and designs to produce a combined French/Aboriginal play at the French theatre company Théâtre du Diamant Noir (Black Diamond Theatre), with French and Aboriginal actors, musicians and artists. Includes text of a short presentation in Aboriginal, English, French and German.
(p. 165-174)
Aboriginal Literary Discourses and Australian Literature, Dieter Riemenschneider , single work criticism (p. 175-185)
Free Our Dreamsi"Out of the hole we came out of the hole", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 187)
Moved Mei"The Great Spirit has sent me away", Lionel Fogarty , single work poetry (p. 223)