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y separately published work icon True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction selected work   prose   criticism   autobiography  
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Text Publishing , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Art of the Dumb Question, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 1-12)
Mr Tiarapu, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 15-19)
The Schoolteacher, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 23-30)
Why Does the Women Get All the Pain?, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 31-37)
My Child in the World, Helen Garner , single work column autobiography (p. 38-41)
Sad Grove by the Ocean, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 42-47)
At Nine Darling Street, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 48-51)
A Scrapbook, an Album, Helen Garner , single work autobiography (p. 52-77)
Wan, Tew, Three, Faw, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 78-83)
Three Acres, More or Less, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 84-99)
Patrick White: The Artist as Holy Monster, Helen Garner , single work criticism biography (p. 103-108)
Sing for Your Supper, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 109-114)
Cypresses and Spires: Writing for Film, Helen Garner , single work prose (p. 115-119)
Dreams, the Bible and `Cosmo Cosmolino', Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 120-124)
Elizabeth Jolley's War, Helen Garner , single work criticism (p. 125-131)
Germaine Greer and the Menopause, Helen Garner , single work review (p. 132-138)
Turning Fifty, Helen Garner , single work prose autobiography (p. 139-142)
At the Morgue, Helen Garner , single work prose column (p. 145-153)
Sunday at the Gun Show, Helen Garner , single work prose column (p. 154-158)
The Violet Jacket, Helen Garner , single work prose (p. 159-161)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Form: audiobook
    • Melbourne, Victoria,: Tullamarine, Keilor - Sunshine area, Melbourne - West, Melbourne, Victoria,: ABC Audio ; Bolinda Audio Books , 2017 .
      image of person or book cover 4761754546348556476.jpg
      This image has been sourced from Kobo
      Extent: 8 hours and 33 min.p.
      Description: Audio CD, MP3 CD; audio download
      ISBN: 9781489389107 (MP 3), 9781489389091 (CD), 9781489391643 (audio download)

Works about this Work

Prose That Makes Us "Laugh, Cry, Squirm and Gasp and Wonder" : Imagery, Memory, and Emotion in Helen Garner's Memoirs Merril Howie , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: Antipodes , June vol. 33 no. 1 2019; (p. 22-39)
'Despite our awareness of the slipperiness of truth, literary memoirists continue to attract vast audiences, keen to immerse themselves in the skillful transformation of "experience into meaning and value" (Hampl, "Memory" 208). The rich tradition of the literary memoir differs from so-called pulp memoirs in relying less on narcissism and self-justification and more on storytelling, figurative language, dialogue, and "moments of imagination" (Bartkevicius 134). The result is the capacity to convey subjective experience, from both intellectual and emotional perspectives, thereby "plung[ing] the reader into the real heart of the matter" (Silverman 149). In effectively portraying the emotions that inevitably underpin the heart of the matter, literary memoirists can also have an emotional impact on us as readers, wherein we are invited to "laugh, cry, squirm and gasp and wonder" (Gaunt 22).' (Introduction)
What I’m Reading Janet Lee , 2018 single work column
— Appears in: Meanjin Online 2018;
Creditable or Reprehensible? The Literary Journalism of Helen Garner Willa McDonald , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: Literary Journalism across the Globe : Journalistic Traditions and Transnational Influences 2011; (p. 260-275)
'This essay examines some of the critical reactions to Garner’s writing, in particular her long-form literary journalism, and proposes that her work has provoked censure when it has refused to follow traditional journalistic conventions; chosen not to establish a clear contract of intention with its readership; privileged the exploration of the writer’s emotions over intellectual frameworks; and challenged traditional notions of subjectivity and objectivity. What I hope to demonstrate is that a closer engagement with Garner’s nonfiction by academic critics would be a fruitful contribution to the field of literary journalism' (p.260).
Bluestockings and Ladybloggers Ellena Savage , 2011 single work essay
— Appears in: The Lifted Brow , no. 13 2011; (p. 32-33)
Of Lemon Tarts : Writing. Culture. Neoconservatism. Moya Costello , 2009 single work prose
— Appears in: Outskirts : Feminisms along the Edge , May vol. 20 no. 2009;
Review Susan Hewitt , 2008 single work review
— Appears in: The West Australian , 25 October 2008; (p. 44)

— Review of My Story : The Tale of a Terrorist Who Wasn't Mamdouh Habib , Julia Collingwood , 2008 single work autobiography ; True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction Helen Garner , 1996 selected work prose criticism autobiography
Having a Go Peter Steele , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: Eureka Street , April vol. 6 no. 3 1996; (p. 32-33)

— Review of Double Take : Six Incorrect Essays 1996 anthology prose ; True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction Helen Garner , 1996 selected work prose criticism autobiography
Magic Moments Become Ordinary After the Fact Ivor Indyk , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Sunday Age , 31 March 1996; (p. 8)

— Review of True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction Helen Garner , 1996 selected work prose criticism autobiography
Observer of Truth Elizabeth Riddell , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 30 March 1996; (p. 10)

— Review of True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction Helen Garner , 1996 selected work prose criticism autobiography
Helen Garner's Contracts with the Truth Jennifer Moran , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 30 March 1996; (p. C11)

— Review of True Stories : Selected Non-Fiction Helen Garner , 1996 selected work prose criticism autobiography
Of Lemon Tarts : Writing. Culture. Neoconservatism. Moya Costello , 2009 single work prose
— Appears in: Outskirts : Feminisms along the Edge , May vol. 20 no. 2009;
Bluestockings and Ladybloggers Ellena Savage , 2011 single work essay
— Appears in: The Lifted Brow , no. 13 2011; (p. 32-33)
Creditable or Reprehensible? The Literary Journalism of Helen Garner Willa McDonald , 2011 single work criticism
— Appears in: Literary Journalism across the Globe : Journalistic Traditions and Transnational Influences 2011; (p. 260-275)
'This essay examines some of the critical reactions to Garner’s writing, in particular her long-form literary journalism, and proposes that her work has provoked censure when it has refused to follow traditional journalistic conventions; chosen not to establish a clear contract of intention with its readership; privileged the exploration of the writer’s emotions over intellectual frameworks; and challenged traditional notions of subjectivity and objectivity. What I hope to demonstrate is that a closer engagement with Garner’s nonfiction by academic critics would be a fruitful contribution to the field of literary journalism' (p.260).
Garner Balances Fame, Anonymity Mark Naglazas , 1996 single work biography
— Appears in: The West Australian , 28 May 1996; (p. 5)
Best-Seller Garner Celebrates an Award at Last Luke Slattery , 1997 single work column biography
— Appears in: The Australian , 16 April 1997; (p. 1)
Last amended 2 Mar 2025 12:17:27