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y separately published work icon Foveaux single work   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 1939... 1939 Foveaux
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  • Epigraph:

    This is the littoral, the long pale shore,

    The gleaming sand, the cliffs were shallow foam

    Mutes in its murmurings the rousing roar

    Of curved green crests that crashed the proud ship


    The silver sandhills, where, uneasily,

    The land receives the rejects of the sea.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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Works about this Work

Women Writers and the Emerging Urban Novel, 1930-1952 Meg Brayshaw , 2023 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel 2023;
Australian Women Writers’ Popular Non-fiction Prose in the Pre-war Period : Exploring Their Motivations Alison Owens , Donna Lee Brien , 2022 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture , vol. 11 no. 1-2 2022; (p. 63-80)
'Since the 1970s, feminist scholars have undertaken important critical work on Australian women’s writing of earlier eras, profiling and promoting their fiction. Less attention has been afforded to the popular non-fiction produced by Australian women writers and, in particular, to that produced before the Second World War. Yet this writing is important for several reasons. First, the non-fiction writing of Australian women was voluminous and popular with readers. Second, this popular work critically engaged with a tumultuous political, social and moral landscape in which, as women’s rights were increasingly realized through legislation, the subjectivity of women themselves was fluid and contested. Third, as many of these women were also, or principally, fiction writers, their non-fiction can be shown to have informed and influenced many of their fictional interests, themes and characters. Lastly, and critically, popular non-fiction publication helped to financially sustain many of these writers. In proposing a conceptual framework informed by the work of Pierre Bourdieu to analyse examples of this body of work, this article not only suggests that important connections exist between popular and mainstream non-fiction works – newspaper and magazine articles, essays, pamphlets and speeches – and the fictional publications of Australian women writers of the early twentieth century but also suggests that these connections may represent an Australian literary habitus where writing across genre, form and audience was a professional approach that built and sustained literary careers.' (Publication abstract) 
Rediscovering Kylie Tennant’s Foveaux Ella Mudie , 2021 single work essay
— Appears in: Meanjin , Winter vol. 80 no. 2 2021;

'At an author event hosted in 1947 by the Fellowship of Australian Writers, Ruth Park met head-on the polarised reactions stirred by her novel The Harp in the South, as it appeared in instalments in the Sydney Morning Herald just prior to its publication as a book. Amid the raucous was one particularly belligerent man, as Miles Franklin recounts in a letter written after the event, who ‘kept on and on till people tried to laugh him down. He said he did not want to read stories about pregnant women and slums, that that was not literature.’' (Introduction) 

‘Outside the Circle of One’s Own Experience’ : George Orwell, Kylie Tennant and the Politics of Poverty during the Yellow Book Period Ella Mudie , 2021 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 21 no. 1 2021;

'Never directly associated with nor influenced by one another, the British author George Orwell and the Australian novelist Kylie Tennant are nonetheless two contemporaneous writers for whom the issue of poverty proved an enduring preoccupation in both work and life. Both sought lived experience of Depression era hardship that was, in turn, translated into ambiguous works of fiction and non-fiction. During a formative period in both writers’ careers, Orwell and Tennant were published in England by the influential and progressive left-wing house of Victor Gollancz. This essay examines the representation of poverty in Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) and The Road to Wigan Pier (1937), the latter of which was distributed through Gollancz’s Left Book Club during the peak of the ‘Yellow Book’ period, and in Tennant’s fictional portrait of inner-city working-class life, Foveaux (1939), through the lens of their association with Gollancz.  It argues that the urgent moral imperative to solve the global crisis of poverty represents an important basis for understanding the turn to documentary realism by Orwell and Tennant at that time. While publication by Gollancz helped to establish international reputations for Orwell and Tennant as writers of social conscience, this essay also considers the extent to which the growing scrutiny afforded to the participant-observer mode complicates their contemporary reception.'  (Publication abstract)

y separately published work icon Sydney and Its Waterway in Australian Literary Modernism Meg Brayshaw , New York (City) : Palgrave Macmillan , 2021 21207298 2021 multi chapter work criticism

'This book examines literary representations of Sydney and its waterway in the context of Australian modernism and modernity in the interwar period. Then as now, Sydney Harbour is both an ecological wonder and ladened with economic, cultural, historical and aesthetic significance for the city by its shores. In Australia’s earliest canon of urban fiction, writers including Christina Stead, Dymphna Cusack, Eleanor Dark, Kylie Tennant and M. Barnard Eldershaw explore the myth and the reality of the city ‘built on water’. Mapping Sydney via its watery and littoral places, these writers trace impacts of empire, commercial capitalism, global trade and technology on the city, while drawing on estuarine logics of flow and blockage, circulation and sedimentation to innovate modes of writing temporally, geographically and aesthetically specific to Sydney’s provincial modernity. Contributing to the growing field of oceanic or aqueous studies, Sydney and its Waterway and Australian Modernism shows the capacity of water and human-water relations to make both generative and disruptive contributions to urban topography and narrative topology.'

Source : publisher's blurb

A Picture in Monochrome J. A. V. Stevens , 1939 single work review
— Appears in: Bohemia : The All-Australian Literary Magazine , July no. 4 1939; (p. 1)

— Review of Foveaux Kylie Tennant , 1939 single work novel
Recent Books : Digest of the Month's Reading 1946 single work review
— Appears in: The Australasian Book News and Library Journal , October vol. 1 no. 4 1946; (p. 154)

— Review of Foveaux Kylie Tennant , 1939 single work novel ; Savage Tales Lewis Lett , 1946 selected work short story
[Untitled] 1939 single work review
— Appears in: The North Queensland Register , 26 August 1939; (p. 38)

— Review of Foveaux Kylie Tennant , 1939 single work novel
Kylie Tennant's New Novel W. S. Howard , 1939 single work review
— Appears in: Desiderata , February no. 39 1939; (p. 28-29)

— Review of Foveaux Kylie Tennant , 1939 single work novel
It Happened in Sydney 1939 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 8 April no. 31597 1939; (p. 10)

— Review of Foveaux Kylie Tennant , 1939 single work novel
Gerrymander : The Place of Suburbia in Australian Fiction Robin Gerster , 1990 single work criticism
— Appears in: Meanjin , Spring vol. 49 no. 3 1990; (p. 565-575) Populous Places : Australian Cities and Towns 1992; (p. 19-30)
Undergrowth to Orchard : Interview with Kylie Tennant 1980 single work interview
— Appears in: Hemisphere , vol. 25 no. 3 1980; (p. 146-153)
The Tragi-Comedies of Kylie Tennant T. Inglis Moore , 1957 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 18 no. 1 1957; (p. 2-8) Twentieth Century Australian Literary Criticism 1967; (p. 324-333)
The Australian Social Novel R. G. Howarth , 1959 single work criticism
— Appears in: Biblionews , vol. 12 no. 1 1959; (p. 41-43)
Novels by Younger Writers. Avoidance of the Present Tense. Kylie Tennant. Margaret Trist. H. Drake-Brockman. Miles Franklin , 1956 single work criticism
— Appears in: Laughter, Not for a Cage : Notes on Australian Writing, with Biographical Emphasis on the Struggles, Functions and Achievements of the Novel in Three-Half Centuries 1956; (p. 201-210)
Last amended 29 Jul 2014 10:37:33
  • Urban,
  • Sydney, New South Wales,
  • Surry Hills, Inner Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales,
  • Redfern, Inner Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales,
  • 1910s
  • 1920s
  • 1930s
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