'Set within a fictitious period of Australian history, when socialism has been in place for numerous years, the narrative revolves around Mark Meredith, a student at Melbourne University who becomes involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the socialist government. In this respect Chomley provides a bleak and negative view of socialism, thereby providing a platform for revolution. However, while the conspirators are ultimately successful in over-throwing the government, the country soon afterwards slides quickly into chaos, leaving Meredith and his sweetheart no choice but to escape in a friend's yacht. Disconsolate, he reflects sadly that the Australian people are not yet ripe for self-government (Solomon. p.307).'
As this [is] described as dealing with fifty years of socialism in Australia there was a chance that among the events of fifty years in the future there would be some mention of marvels of modern science fiction. Alas no such luck. Merely the standard negative view of socialist theory, predicting a dull abd regimented life with the rise of a movement to revive the nineteenth century (p.115).